This position can be one of Corporate , Travel or MICE .
1.Responsiblefor identifying, developing, and managing accounts within specific,segments,markets, or geographical territories on behalf of one or more hotels.代表一家或多家酒店负责确立、发展及管理不同区域、市场及地域的客户。处理办公室行政工作包括与部门内外的沟通协调。
2.Maintainsor increases current account production for group, transient, and cateringbusiness. 维持及增长客户团队、散客及宴会的产量。
3.Manageslarger accounts or special markets.管理重要大客户或指定市场。
4.Manageslarger, focus accounts or special segments.管理重要客户或者重点区域。
5.Identifiesnew or existing markets/accounts that meet property sales strategy.开发适合酒店战略需要的新客户或市场。
6.Developsa sales plan to generate business from identified markets/accounts制定销售计划,从所负责客户及市场中获得生意。
7.Continuouslycommunicates the benefits of the hotel to the customer.将酒店所提供所拥有的价值传达给客户。
8.Drives/managesaccount transient production through improved customer loyalty by excellentaccount management.通过有效的客户管理,提高客户忠诚度及散客的产量。
9.Prospectsnew business through phone solicitation, outside sales calls, customer visitsto the hotel, trade shows, sales blitzes, direct mail, newspaper/journalresearch and other customer interaction or research.通过电话咨询、销售拜访、接待客户来访、旅游展会、新闻媒体、市场调查等多种手段拓展新客户。
10.Sellsthe benefits of the Sales Centre/property sales and event management.向客户推销宴会销售及服务所带来的价值。
11.Strivesto meet measurable targets and goals, as assigned for individual and team.努力达成个人及团队的目标(可测量)。
12.Understandsthe overall market - competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, economic trends,supply and demand etc. and knows how to sell against them. 了解整个市场的情况汇报- 竞争对手的优势及缺点,经济趋势,供需关系以及如何去应对以上情况。
13.AssistDirector of Sales in the recruitment, selection, training and motivation ofSales Team.协助销售总监招募,选择,培训员工保持团队的活力与稳定。
1.University graduate, excellent command of written and spoken inEnglish and Chinese language.大学专科,良好的中英文读写能力。
2.Minimum 3 yearsexperience in similar capacity with international chain hotels.具有至少三年在国际连锁酒店的相关经验。
3.Very familiar with local market and good atmarketing trend anlysis.了解本地客户的情况并具有很强的市场分析能力。
4.Ability to lead, to provide guidance and todevelop team member.具有领导,指导和发展员工的能力。
5.Good skills of organization andpresentation.良好组织及展示技巧。