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2. 监督并协调采购员工的工作;
3. 跟进供应商保险覆盖并符合全球保单要求,确保保险豁免已获风险管理部门批准;
4. 更新采购订单的程序并向团队说明,以使所有团队成员知道限制,批准和购买流程;
5. 确保有恰当的采购程序,在管理层批准后只有采购部才能下达采购订单;
6. 确保根据政策获得的有竞争力的报价;
7. 审查经下属提交的所有采购请求和采购订单;
8. 与成本经理和行政总厨定期协作进行市场价格调查;
9. 确保定期与其他酒店进行价格对比;
10. 确保以最大努力获得最佳报价;
11. 与所有酒店部门和供应商保持良好关系;
12. 确保所有不匹配的/未收货的采购定单被审查并定期采取合理行动;
13. 协助准备月末报告和其他可能需要的特殊报告;
14. 确保熟悉并遵循一切当地的或全球的采购协议,确保协议签订符合审批权限;
Located to Shenjiayang Lake in Nanxun District, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, Hilton Nanxun is a magnificent architectural marvel often referred to as the "Sun Hotel", and proudly stands as the world's largest spherical building. Inspired by the concept of "the rising sun and the embracing waters," the hotel exudes a captivating charm, resembling a radiant pearl floating on the shimmering surface of the water. With a 10-minute drive from Nanxun city center, a 15-minute drive from Nanxun Ancient Town, the renowned 5A scenic area boasting a history of over 700 years, a 70-minute drive from Suzhou, and 2-hour drive from Hangzhou or Shanghai, Hilton Nanxun serves as an ultimate choice for a regional conference or an ideal vacation destination in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai area.湖州南浔希尔顿酒店坐落于浙江省湖州市南浔区沈家漾湖畔,目前全球最大的球体建筑,也被称为“太阳酒店”。酒店整体设计灵感以“旭日东升,水绕新城”为主题,犹如一颗明珠镶嵌于晶晶水面。距离南浔市区10分钟车程,距离700多年历史的5A景区“南浔古镇”15分钟车程,距离苏州市区1小时10分钟,距离杭州及上海市区2小时内即可到达。江浙沪区域会议,度假优选之地。