1. Supervise stewards and kitchen staff and ensures they are following all hygiene standards and practises. Any staff found to be working in an unhygienic manner should be reported to the Executive Chef who will advise action to be taken.
2.Work closely with other associates in a supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotel guests.
3. Performs regular hygiene inspections in all areas of the Kitchen and food service areas and reports any wrong doings or areas of concern directly to the Executive Chef (It is up to the Executive Chef to take further action on any particular matter which may be of concern)定期检查厨房和各餐厅的卫生,发现问题及时向行政副总厨汇报(由行政副厨决定解决办法)。
4. Ensures the hygiene standard of Food and Beverage production and service within the Hotel.确保餐饮部食品生产和服务的卫生。
5. Works closely with the local Hygiene and Health authorities/ agencies and coordinates with all related matters that involve the Hotel and the authorities.
与当地的卫生和健康机构紧密合作并协调与酒店和政府机构的相关事宜。6. Provides advice to the Management to ensure the environmental hygiene.
珠海东澳岛万豪度假酒店位于珠海东澳岛北端的海湾上,背山面海,西临小竹湾,东靠大竹湾,南望蜜月阁,怀抱东澳岛北岸最温柔的海域, 是一处拥抱自然的休憩之所, 旨在引领宾客乐享当下,尽赏壮观秀丽的自然风光,缔造焕活身心的奢享体验。酒店拥有258间宽敞舒适的客房及套房, 由全球酒店设计行业百大排名第三的香港郑中设计师事务所( CCD)负责设计,以“东意西境”享誉国际酒店室内设计领域的CCD创始人郑忠亲自审核监督,将渔家文化与现代 设计元素相互融合,景中有景,交相呼应,以独特的视角诠释东澳变迁,演绎“新澳西”的海岛印象。酒店拥有2间不同风格的餐厅及1间酒廊,为宾客奉上独出心裁的当地美食和国际佳肴美馔。24小时健身中心、室内和户外露天泳池、儿童俱乐部以及私人水疗中心。酒店拥有灵活的会议与宴会空间, 拥有1108 平方米的先进的活动空间, 其中包括一间约800平方米的宴会厅, 另有 400平方米的临海户外草坪, 180度全海景饱览山海绝美景致。