Use both account interaction and publicly available tools to monitor competitors' activities as it relates to both the hotel and the portfolio of accounts and share relevant information with key stakeholders in line with hotel procedures.
Provide feedback to management on changing market conditions, including competition and market trends.
就不断变化的市场状况(包括竞争和市场趋势)向管理层提供反馈 。
Involve Director of Sales and Marketing where appropriate on sales calls and sales meetings.在适当的情况下,与销售总监和营销总监参与销售电话和销售会议。
Communicate to his/her superior any issues encountered and other relevant information.
Attend and participate in and where appropriate, organise training sessions, daily briefings and other meetings as required.
Ensure accurate and timely updating of an accurate record of all relevant activities in the provided Sales System for future reference and control purposes.
Update Account and Contact profiles, attach Account plans, ensure ‘live’ information for action.
Develop awareness and reputation of the hotel and the brand in the local community.
Perform other duties as assigned.
长春北湖鸿居(悦榕集团旗下)酒店“坐落在国家级湿地公园“北湖公园” 内,是悦榕集团东北区首家高端品牌酒店。地理位置优越、交通便利,酒店紧邻北湖CBD商业区,步行10分钟可达轨道交通8号线。项目占地约17万平米,酒店总建筑面积5.7万平方米,总投资5.9亿元,集客房、餐饮、会议、度假、玩赏于一体。整体环境自然怡人,上万平米的窈窕花溪、湖光水色、游船悠悠宛如一幅北国水墨风景画,特色园林水系游船景观营造出静谧的度假胜境。客房合计247间,以低密度的中式建筑风貌为主,其中庭院式别墅彰显静谧和高贵。总计约1800平米的宴会及会议厅是高端活动举办的理想场地。健身中心、桑拿、温泉、SPA、儿童游乐区等专属娱乐设施会成为休闲游玩绝佳去处,整体为宾客提供“旅行为家”的极致入住体验。长春北湖悦榕·鸿居酒店愿提供“因一间房,赴一座城”的理由,如不远行,一起来一场轻松的 Staycation!让您尽享一季松弛,五官自在,释放愉悦与美好!现阶段,全面开启各级人才招募工作。我们将带您开启一次改变生活的非凡职场体验!只要您热爱酒店行业、正直谦逊、心怀梦想,都欢迎您将简历投递给我们,我们将会在收到简历后尽快与您联系。