您的职责是为顾客提供始终如一、卓越高效的行政管理支持。 为财务部门的运作顺畅、高效提供支持。
You will be responsible to provide an excellent and consistent level of administrative support to your customers. Supports the smooth and efficient running of the Accounting Department.
Timely handle all accounts receivable and credit transactions.
完全熟悉信贷政策和程序。Fully familiar with credit policies and procedures.
确保所有的应收预提和信贷都放入独立的账户。Ensure that all accounts receivable provisions and credits are placed in separate accounts.
月末核查和保持来确保押金和总分类账的数据平衡。Check and maintain at the end of the month to ensure balance between deposit and general ledger data.
直接附属于确保工作效率按照凯悦设计的规程、尺度和凯悦国际财务运营方针。Directly affiliated with ensuring work efficiency in accordance with Hyatt's design procedures, standards, and Hyatt International financial operations policies.