薪资主管 Compensation & Benefits Supervisor
发布于 06-19
薪资主管 Compensation & Benefits Supervisor
苏州-昆山 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 招1人

工资管理:Payroll Management :


·         Be responsible for the calculation, salary grade audit & recheck and timely issuing of staff salary and bonus.

·         负责工资的准确级别核定,计算与及时发放。

·         Calculates monthly bonus amount for every dept. and prepare monthly bonus report.

·         负责部门效益奖 金的计算与基数下发。

·         Calculates and applies for trainee monthly allowance. 实习生工资的计算与申请。

·         Calculates and applies for monthly supplement salary补发工资的计算与申请。

·         Salary related work of staff transfer/departure.

·         员工调职/离店的相关的工资计算管理工作。

·         The calculation and audit of overtime work payment and submit it for approval.

·         加班工资的计算审核及报批;

·         Prepares deduction records. 准备扣款记录。

·         Maintains and backups salary data, fills monthly payroll list. 

·         工资数据的维护与备份,工资册的保存。

·         Statistics, audit and submission of salary breakdown ,salary statistics and the other related salary reports

·         对工资明细表、工资汇总表、工资相关数据的统计、审核与上报。

·         Other related salary issues. 工资的其他相关工作。

考勤管理&监督:Attendance Management & Supervision:

·         Supervise each department to submit the Attendance Record on time to HR Office;

·         监督各部门按时提交考勤记录表;

·         Be responsible for the audit of monthly attendance record ,and bringing it into salary calculation system.

·         负责每月考勤情况的审核,并将其纳入工资计算体系。

·         The regular inspection and spot check of staff attendance status.

·         负责员工考勤的定期检查及抽查工作。

·         Maintenance of employee Annual leave/sick leave etc.

·         员工年假、病假及其他假期的管理;

·         Be responsible for the filing and keeping management of the Attendance Record of all the departments;

·         负责各部门考勤记录表的存档保管工作;

·         Regularly spot check the Punch In/ Punch out record of the employees;

·         定期检查员工的上/下班刷卡纪录;

社会保险管理:Social Insurance  Management

·         Audit of various social insurance payment base, and make confirmation with employee;.负责各项社会保险缴费基数的核定,并与员工确认社会保险基数;

·         Handles employee insurance entering and transferring formalities.

·         办理员工参保、转移手续。

·         The calculation of social insurance monthly payment and timely completion & submission of the monthly report

·         负责各项社会保险月缴费的计算及月报表的按时完成与提交。

·         Handles employee insurance changing and supplement formalities

·         办理变更、补缴手续。

·         Reimbursement medicine expenses.医药费报销。

·         Maintains and updates social insurance management system社会保险管理系统的维护。

·         Supervision the achievement of collection of all social insurance required documents.

·         监督完成办理社保所需资料的收集汇交。

·         Handle employee’s retirement formalities.办理员工退休手续。

·         Other related social insurance issues.各项社会保险其他相关工作。


Personnel Management System人事管理信息系统:


·         Overall responsible for maintenance, updating and management of personnel management system.全面负责人事管理信息系统的维护更新与管理;

·         Maintains and manages personnel management system, and the system basic structure setting up.

·         人事管理信息系统的管理与维护,负责基础的系统结构设置工作。

·         Maintains and updates all staff records at any moment.随时更新所有员工记录.

·         Prepares different staff information report according to requirement.

·         根据需要,提供员工的信息情况。

·         Be responsible for the system maintenance and regularly making copy of personnel management system database.

·         负责人事管理信息系统相关数据的维护与定期备份。

·         System checking registration of personnel management system operation running status;人事管理信息系统运行状况的监测登记.

·         Solving the personnel management system operation problems by communicating with supplier;与供应商联系并解决就系统运行中出现的问题.

·         Maintains good relationship with other hotel, leads hotel industry market compensation &benefit surveys , make proposals for adjustments in line with market movement.

·         与相关酒店建立良好联系,了解市场同行业薪酬福利状况,提供调整意见。


Statistics & reports统计与报表:


·         Prepares regular personnel and salary report to Statistical Bureau.

·         定期向统计局提供季报、年报;

·         Provide monthly employee manning status statistics report to GM/DGM on regular staff、casual labour、trainees.

·         给总经理/副总经理提供每月人数情况报表;

·         Provide monthly employee salary status statistics report to GM/DGM/HRD on regular staff、casual labour、trainees.

·         给总经理/副总经理/人力资源总监提供每月工资情况报表;

·         Timely provide monthly employee annual leave usage statistics report to GM/DGM/FC/HRD.

·         按时提交每月员工年假使用报表给总经理,副总经理,财务总监,人力资源总监。

·         Work with R&E Supervisor to check the actual manning status on a weekly basis, and timely submit the Weekly Manning Report.

·         每周与招聘主管核对人员编制情况,并按时提交每周人员编制报表;

·         Work out the monthly staff status change  statistics report and submit to HRD;

·         每月员工调职统计表,制作并提交给人力资源总监;

·         Prepares regular staff turnover statistics. 制作人员月度人员流失统计表。

·         Monthly manning statistics report on new comer and departure staff, including regular staff、casual labour、trainees.

·         每月正式工、临时工、实习生进店及离店人数统计表;

·         Monthly manning statistics report on out-contracted cleaning company staff、out-contracted security staff.

·         每月外包清洁公司和保安公司人数统计表。

·         Prepares related information to accounting dept.向财务部提供有关信息。

·         Prepare other  information report according to requirement.其他统计报表。

Build positive employee relations建立积极的雇员关系:

·         Explains and offers consulting of  C&B policy and regulation to  employee in combination to national policy and hotel actual situation.

·         向员工解答有关工资、奖金、福利、保险等方面的咨询,解释饭店的有关规定。

·         Assist in programming and implementation of staff activities, included but not limited to staff birthday party and IHG staff events,etc.

·         协助各项员工活动的规划及实施, 包括但不限于:员工生日会,洲际酒店集团各项员工活动等;

·         Assist staff relation maintenance management & staff issues handling: Assist the routine staff management, the programming and implementation of staff activities, and the other staff issues handling, included but not limited to staff complaint and staff dissension, labor dispute issues.

·         协助员工关系维护管理及员工事务的处理工作: 协助日常的员工管理工作,以及其他员工事务的处理, 包括但不限于员工投诉及员工纠纷,劳动仲裁等事务。


Ensures compliance of policy and procedures:确保政策和程序顺利实施:

·         Keeps up to date on HR changes and  advise management.

·         保持最新的人事变革和管理意见;

·         Ensures HR policies are complied with local government's policy.

·         确保人事政策完全符合地方政府政策;

·         Optimizes operating costs and controlling operating expenses.

·         最低限度地减少营业支出,控制营业费用;


Others 其它:

·         Assist in Dept’s trainer to complete training work.

·         协助部门培训员完成部门内培训工作。

·         Assist in making name tag, time card , uniform notification for employee;

·         协助为员工制作名牌、工作证,制服单;

·         Assist in handling the procedure of staff Check  In / Departure.

·         协助办理进店/离店手续;

·         According to the green hotel requirements to work to save energy and reduce wasting

·         严格按照绿色酒店标准完成工作,节约能源,减少能耗

·         Arrange the training about green hotel standards timely and make sure all the working produce are in green ways.

·         定期对员工进行绿色酒店相关知识培训,并确保工作流程符合绿色环保标准

目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 500-999人
  • 中外合营(合资.合作)
昆山时代皇冠假日酒店位于前进东路333号,毗邻昆山时代大厦(昆山经开区管委会办公大楼), 美丽的夏驾河从中蜿蜒穿过。 酒店交通便利,步行至地铁11号线夏驾河公园站仅需5分钟, 开车至上海虹桥国际机场仅需30分钟。酒店配备532间设计新颖的客房及套房为您提供皇冠假日水准的舒适享受;酒店配备超过5500平米的宴会、会议场地,三层无柱“时代大宴会厅”面积超过3300平方米,可以承办各种类型的大型商务活动,也是高档鸡尾酒会、中西式婚宴、各种小型会议的理想选择。皇冠会议总监及其团队一站式的专业服务,将确保您每个会议及活动的圆满成功。酒店拥有3个风格迥异的餐厅,无论是本土客人还是国外来宾,无需远行,即可在这里享用世界各地品种繁多的美食佳酿。在繁忙的工作和商务活动之余,客人可以体验我们的酒吧、健身中心、室内恒温泳池等休闲娱乐设施。昆山时代皇冠假日酒店全新层次的殷勤招待和完善服务,为您呈现无数精彩视角。不管是工作、娱乐、休憩、放松,都为您的昆山行提供超凡体验。酒店目前正在筹备阶段,计划于2024年9月份开业,期待有职业梦想的人才加入。
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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