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· Reports directly to and communicates with theFront Office Manager on all pertinent matters affecting guest service and hoteloperations.
· Provides functional assistance and directionto all departments
· Cooperates, coordinates and communicates withother hotel departments as required.
· Reacts to situations to ensure guests receiveprompt attention and personal recognition throughout the hotel
· Ensure that on-going pertinent/relevantlogbook communication to other shift is maintained and brief incoming GuestService Manager on items to be followed up
· Maintain daily an accurate record in theGuest Service Manager’s logbook of items and incidents which may be of concernto management and/or which may require further attention
· Responds to guest needs and resolves relatedproblems
· Supervises and directs Reception personnel
· Supports and assists Front Office personnel and all departments at peak periods
· Ensures VIPs and priority club guests receivespecial attention
· Assist as required/requested with the solvingof any guest complaints/upsets and make record on logbook accordingly. Ensureall issues relating to guest satisfaction are met and that follow up iscompleted on a timely basis. Effectively handle and resolve guests complaintsand seek help if needed
· Inspects front of house and back of houseregularly for cleanliness
· Assists Guest Relations in greeting, rooming,and sending off VIP guests
· Ensure constantly aware of and up to datewith all happenings and operations within the hotel and ensure to have anobvious presence throughout the hotel public area whilst on duty
· Responsible for ensuring clear and constant communicationlines are kept with all staffs and other departments
· Monitors appropriate standards of conduct,uniform, hygiene, and appearance of staff.
· Provides input for Front Office meetings.
· Ensure to be completely aware of all hotelservices and facilities, outlet operating hours and scope of services. Promotesinter-hotel sales and in-house facilities.
· Have a complete knowledge of standardoperating procedures and performance standard by task of GuestService/Reception or CPC Floor/Telephone & Business CentreService/Concierge
· Checks billing instructions and monitorsguest credit
· Analyses and approves discounts and rebates.
· Analyses the rate variance report to ensurerooms revenue control
· Takes action with the Property ManagementSystems (PMS) in emergency situation.
· Fully conversant with all hotel emergency procedures.
· Ensures front line staff comply with FITMarketing techniques and maximize sales.
昆山时代皇冠假日酒店位于前进东路333号,毗邻昆山时代大厦(昆山经开区管委会办公大楼), 美丽的夏驾河从中蜿蜒穿过。 酒店交通便利,步行至地铁11号线夏驾河公园站仅需5分钟, 开车至上海虹桥国际机场仅需30分钟。酒店配备532间设计新颖的客房及套房为您提供皇冠假日水准的舒适享受;酒店配备超过5500平米的宴会、会议场地,三层无柱“时代大宴会厅”面积超过3300平方米,可以承办各种类型的大型商务活动,也是高档鸡尾酒会、中西式婚宴、各种小型会议的理想选择。皇冠会议总监及其团队一站式的专业服务,将确保您每个会议及活动的圆满成功。酒店拥有3个风格迥异的餐厅,无论是本土客人还是国外来宾,无需远行,即可在这里享用世界各地品种繁多的美食佳酿。在繁忙的工作和商务活动之余,客人可以体验我们的酒吧、健身中心、室内恒温泳池等休闲娱乐设施。昆山时代皇冠假日酒店全新层次的殷勤招待和完善服务,为您呈现无数精彩视角。不管是工作、娱乐、休憩、放松,都为您的昆山行提供超凡体验。