前台接待 Guest Service Agent
发布于 09-20
前台接待 Guest Service Agent
苏州-昆山 | 经验不限 | 大专

·       Greets all guests at all times in a friendly and helpful manner and attempts to learn and use guest’s name at every opportunity 

·       Registers and rooms all arrivals according to established procedures

·       Maintains intimate knowledge of departmental standards and procedures

·       Performs check in, check out and room change procedures and ensures all data are entered completely into the hotel systems in accordance with reservation

·       Controls and maintains arrivals and departures records and pre-registration cards for VIPs and Priority Club Members

·       Maintains cashier float and ensures accurate daily report of all money received

·       Ensure sufficient advance deposit collected upon check in and action on high balance account every shift

·       Cashes hotel guest’s personal and travelers checks and assists with currency exchange, ensure no fake or damage currency collect when receiving or changing money for the guest

·       Be familiar with travel agent or any organization voucher and check the validity of travel agent vouchers

·       Keeps abreast of all modifications to accounting policies and procedures

·       Maintain an accurate room status and to be familiar with all room types, package plan, room rates, F&B promotion etc

·       Advise Concierge on the assigned rooms to expedite the delivery of luggage

·       Responsible and attends to guest’s request of using the service of safety box at all times

·       Knowledgeable of all special promotion procedures, for programs such as; Seasonal Packages and Intercontinental Hotels Group Loyalty programs

·       Attends to guest’s complaints, inquiries and requests, referees problems to supervisor/Assistant Manager if he/she unable to assist

·       Record in the logbook any unusual happenings and all important matters for follow up

·       Run the “back-up” in order to anticipate computer or electrical failure according to the set standard

·       Is familiar with other Intercontinental Hotels and Resorts so that guest indicating any next destination on the registration card can be “sold” an onward booking to another InterContinental Hotels

·       Does everything possible to ensure that the guests depart the hotel with a positive impression of hotel service

·       Performs the audit balances and prepares all works for audit in an orderly fashion

·       When on night shift, checks night report, prepare the morning report and prepare all necessary forms for the guest arrival

·       Check all correspondences to ensure billing instructions are properly approved and supported with voucher or other valid credit advance

·       Maintains comprehensive knowledge of standard reservation procedures including correct forms to use, how to read telex, e-mail, messages, and how to interpret availability sources within the reservation systems

·       Prepare group master folio and outstanding list upon check out

·       Ensure accurate post of guests’ miscellaneous charges into guest accounts

·       Ensure hotel credit policy is adhered to at all times

·       Handle small amount of cash paid out

·       Ensure all vouchers for rebates, transfers, paid-outs and corrections are clearly explained and supported

·       Ensure all guests settle their account by proper form of payment before leaving the hotel

·       To balance the day’s postings, receipts, cash and credit cards to the computer print-outs at the end of shift. Ensure Shift Leader witness your balance work and drop in the float

·       Hand over to the following Guest Service Officer the established sum of the rotating float. Both party must acknowledge the transfer in the prided logbook. Maintain, count and keep secure all house funds

·       Help in the effort to avoid late charges and skippers and to inform the Guest Service Shift Leader/Reception Manager/Front Office Manager if they are discovered

·       Make sure all checks and folios are following the number sequence. Sings void checks with the reason

·       Takes wake up calls from guests, files in properly the call list and then sends it to the Telephone Operator for process

·       Make sure all cashier transaction summaries have been completed correctly and balanced with Opera Summary

·       Responsible for maintaining enough currency denominations for cashiers daily exchange

·       Maintains exemplary deportment standards of behavior and appearance and attitude as expected in a ICHG Brand

·       Takes personal interest and pride to ensure that the front desk work area is kept clean and in an orderly state al all times

·       Endeavors to maintain the high standards of the hotel with particular regard to the importance of ICHG Loyalty Program member and other VIP’s and with reference to hotel and to be a health or safety hazard

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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 500-999人
  • 中外合营(合资.合作)
昆山时代皇冠假日酒店位于前进东路333号,毗邻昆山时代大厦(昆山经开区管委会办公大楼), 美丽的夏驾河从中蜿蜒穿过。 酒店交通便利,步行至地铁11号线夏驾河公园站仅需5分钟, 开车至上海虹桥国际机场仅需30分钟。酒店配备532间设计新颖的客房及套房为您提供皇冠假日水准的舒适享受;酒店配备超过5500平米的宴会、会议场地,三层无柱“时代大宴会厅”面积超过3300平方米,可以承办各种类型的大型商务活动,也是高档鸡尾酒会、中西式婚宴、各种小型会议的理想选择。皇冠会议总监及其团队一站式的专业服务,将确保您每个会议及活动的圆满成功。酒店拥有3个风格迥异的餐厅,无论是本土客人还是国外来宾,无需远行,即可在这里享用世界各地品种繁多的美食佳酿。在繁忙的工作和商务活动之余,客人可以体验我们的酒吧、健身中心、室内恒温泳池等休闲娱乐设施。昆山时代皇冠假日酒店全新层次的殷勤招待和完善服务,为您呈现无数精彩视角。不管是工作、娱乐、休憩、放松,都为您的昆山行提供超凡体验。酒店目前正在筹备阶段,计划于2024年9月份开业,期待有职业梦想的人才加入。
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
  • 联系我们



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