1、Responsible for providing change to other departments and the correct balancing of the main safe float.
2、Ensure that as Duty Manager are completely aware of all hotel services and facilities, outlet operating hours and scope of service.
3、Responsible for ongoing pertinent/relevant log book communication to other shifts/departments.
4、To acquire through training provided a comprehensive knowledge of hotel’s Property Management System (OPERA), Telephone System.
5、Responsible for adhering to hotel staff rules and regulations as detailed in hotel’s staff handbook.
6、Reviews / follows up matters in Duty Manager logbook
7、Checks with Front Desk Manager/Supervisor for room status for the day
8、Checks daily arrival list for VIPs, regular and all FIT guests. Introduces hotel facilities and special services to guests while rooming. Follows up checks-in.
9、Co-ordinates and follows up immediately with Housekeeping and Engineering Department for any request of guest regarding maintenance and repair in the guestrooms.
10、Keep spot check cashier’s float and transaction as well as shift audit.
11、Check and make sure every staff is following the Financial Policy and Procedure of the Hotel.
12、Inspects floors, guestrooms and public areas regularly.
13、Check, make sure that posters, frame and function notice are properly maintained and makes sure the elevators are clean and in proper condition.
14、Assumes other duties as assigned by the Front Office Manager.
15、Oversees the daily movement of guest activities and be able to resolve any guest complaints and to establish an amicable relationship with guests, clients and customers of the Hotel.
16、Through close supervision, recommends improvement in operation, especially in the aspects of developing better service standards, increasing revenue and reducing costs.
17、Perform other related duties & special projects as assigned by the supervisor.
揭阳万豪酒店坐落于榕江新城核心地段,近赏榕江临水而居,遐观黄岐山依山纳翠。毗邻万达广场,距揭阳潮汕国际机场仅19公里,是商务出行和休闲旅游的理想之选。酒店拥有261间客房及套房,设计从潮汕文化中汲取灵感,岭南风情碧瓦朱甍,“潮”韵天成。满足休闲宾客对在地文化的探索需求。海内外宾客可前往具有潮汕风味的“万豪”中餐厅、中西融合的“贡厨”全日餐厅+酒廊,体验“潮”韵珍馐。1800㎡的可进车宴会厅及多功能会议室完善的商旅配套将成为揭阳豪华会务、宴会体验的不二之选。江景室内泳池及健身房,是自然与现代的完美交融,这里可遍赏江畔风光,焕新健康活力,亦是重塑揭阳生活方式的“潮”玩目的地。微信号:190 7513 5000(微信同号)邮箱:Sean.Ni@marriott.com