- 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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Job Purpose职责概述
The Director of Finance shall be responsible for the efficient running of the finance department in line with Accor Strategies and standards ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the Finance department, while maintaining Accor’s high standards of Finance management.
The Director of Finance shall organize and direct a team, which allows him or her to supervise all revenue and expenses, as well as hotel inventories. His or her mission shall principally to keep the hotel’s accounts and to ensure the administrative management of the personnel. The financial responsibilities both internal controls as well as external expenditure must be properly recorded and handled through high integrity and honesty. All financial related matter must be kept in accordance to internal and external regulation of the hotel and relevant authority respectively.
This Position shall provide financial support, advice and expertise to the General Manager and hotel team, with the aim of maximizing value, developing the quality of the Finance function within the hotel.
Main Complexity/Critical Issues In The Job主要复杂/关键工作事项· Shall supervise all accounting and registering of accounts. For this purpose, he or she shall ensure, with the assistance of his or her Finance Manager, The proper keeping of the books for internal accounting and for the official account sheets to be supplied in due course.
· Shall be responsible for establishing hotel budget forecasts (investment budget and operating budgets) and shall keep a record of monthly budgetary discrepancies.
· Shall also supervise the hotel’s cash situation.
· Shall keep informed of fiscal matters concerning the hotel.
· Shall maintain management charts and administration forecasts charts, in conjunction with the General Manager.
· Shall supervise revenue entries, especially those from the General Cashier’s office.
· Shall, in direct supervision of the Purchasing Manager, also be responsible for the payment of invoices.
· Shall maintain controls of the costs of the different services, in particular the food and beverage cost.
· Shall effectively liaison with bankers, revenue authorities, commerce department, and external auditors.
· Shall comply with statutory tax regulations.
· Shall organize cash forecasting and fund management.
· Shall establish forms of different reporting system to keep the management up to date of its financial position.
· Shall consolidate different sources of funds and expenses to submit a profit and loss statement to management in each calendar month.
· Shall consolidate yearly financial performance.
· Shall in accordance with uniform system of account to administrative all necessary financial report and standardization of accounting procedure.
· Shall maintain proper personnel payroll administration in accordance to tax and labor law.
杭州青山湖美爵酒店坐落在杭州西部区域的临安区,毗邻静谧悠美的青山湖畔。山湖原野,环山望湖,在欣赏湖面碧波荡漾的同时还能领略翠绿旖旎的绵延山景,为宾客打造舒适而又惬意的曼妙空间。酒店地理位置优越,交通便捷,距离杭州萧山国际机场约65公里,距离杭州西站约27公里,步行100米可至地铁十六号线青山湖站,充分满足商旅及度假客人的出行需求,并以优雅的环境和休闲的氛围为顾客提供放松自我、释放身心的理想居庭。 杭州青山湖美爵酒店以底蕴深厚的“吴越文荟”历史文化为依托,将传统与创意巧妙融合于酒店体验之中。对纯正地道的当地文化进行全新演绎,无论是视觉形象,还是品牌风格,都更具独特性和吸引力,为宾客开启一场耳目一新的灵感之旅。 酒店客房分布于5-17楼,视野开阔尽瞰山湖风光。177间客房则采用清新、雅致的设计风格,均配有液晶电视、无线网络、人性化工作区域等设施。布局充满巧思,透过观景落地窗可饱览青山湖美景,干湿分离的设计和完善便利的设施,营造自在惬意的入住氛围。其中15间宽敞的套房设有起居、休闲和办公区,带给您居家般舒适体验。行政酒廊位于酒店17楼,提供自助早餐、下午茶及欢乐时光的同时还专门配备了行政楼层贵宾专属会议室,为行政楼层贵宾提供私密及个性化的服务。 位于酒店一楼的大堂酒廊环境舒适宜人,种类繁多的中国茶、咖啡、精酿啤酒以及推陈出新的精致甜点和下午茶,是商务洽谈或好友相聚的理想之地。荟萃中西方美食的全日制餐厅“锦湖”,提供品类丰盛的自助餐以及精心烹饪的珍馐佳酿,开放式厨房让您感受摩登美食现场制作的独特趣味,体验视觉与味觉的双重享受。“锦玉”中餐厅是宾客品味本地杭帮菜、粤菜、创意融合菜等多种菜式的上佳之所,餐厅所选用的新鲜食材经过厨师的精心烹饪,为宾客带来难忘的用餐体验,10间静谧宜人的豪华包厢彰显地域文化,最大包厢可容纳28人。 酒店拥有1间1200平方米的无柱式宴会厅和1间可容纳近千人的阶梯式报告厅,以及15间不同规模的多功能厅、会议室、贵宾接待室,均配备现代化视听设备。无论是商务会议、公司年会、婚礼庆典或聚会派对,酒店专业的会务及宴会团队将为宾客提供周到细致的定制服务,随时随地提供现场支持,助力宴会或商务活动精彩呈现。闲暇之余,宾客还可前往设施完善的健身房,惬意完美的放松空间,让您卸下一天的疲惫,在运动中恢复活力。 *****酒店于2024年10月18日正式运营,诚邀未来的心艺家加入! *****招聘时间:周一至周五 8:30-17:30,酒店一楼人才与文化部,与我们面对面交流!