六时 "ETERNA VENUE" 源起云南普洱景迈,景迈山古茶林文化景观是全球首个茶主题世界文化遗产。山林、茶气、云海层层铺陈,景迈六时康养度假酒店幽隐其中。"ETERNA VENUE" original from Jingmai, Pu'er, Yunnan. The ancient tea forest cultural landscape of Jingmai Mountain is the world's first tea cultural heritage. Mountain forests, tea atmosphere, and sea of clouds are laid out layer by layer, and Jingmai ETERNA VENUE Wellness Resort is hidden among them.作为全球首家茶文化精品康养酒店品牌,六时着意诠释康养酒店的全新形象。在这里,以茶为源,包容并蓄的东方意境与现代中西医养疗愈体系融汇互通,自然万象与人文况味相得益彰。As the world's first tea culture boutique wellness hotel brand, ETERNA VENUE is dedicated to interpreting the new image of wellness hotels. With tea as the source here, the inclusive oriental artistic conception and the modern Chinese and Western medical and healing systems are integrated and interoperable, and the natural phenomena and humanistic conditions complement each other.我们相信万物守恒的平衡之美,秉持愉悦通达的精神,主张顺时而为,静心养身。希望为宾客提供触达身、心、灵、意的医养疗愈体验。让宾客在居停期间,悠享得天独厚的自然环境,品味质朴原生的人文意味,调养机能、唤醒觉知、重塑身心秩序。We believe in the beauty of balance that is conserved in all things, uphold the spirit of joy and accessibility, and advocate following the times and maintaining a calm mind. We hope to provide guests with a medical and healing experience that touches the body, mind, spirit and mind. During their stay, guests can enjoy the unique natural environment, taste the simple and original humanistic meaning, regulate their functions, awaken their awareness, and reshape their physical and mental order.景迈山康养度假综合体项目规划将包括景迈六时康养度假酒店;一间世界级安缦酒店"AMAN";一间吉合睦酒店"GHM"及一家大型康养医疗机构等高端配套。The Jingmai Mountain health resort complex project plan will include ETERNA VENUE Jingmai Wellness Resort; a world-class "AMAN"; a GHM hotel and a large health care medical center etc.景迈六时康养度假酒店共208间客房,内设怀山自助餐厅、入时 Bar、医养中心、六时茶集、谷悦轻食餐厅,温泉、SPA、无边泳池等康养设施,将于2024下半年隆重启幕。诚邀社会各界精英共襄盛举!Jingmai ETERNA VENUE Wellness Resort has a total of 208 guest rooms, including Huaishan all day dinning restaurant, Rushi Bar, medical care center, ETERNA VENUE Tea Market, Guyue Light Food Restaurant, hot springs, SPA, infinity swimming pool and other health and wellness facilities. It will be grand open in the second half of 2024.We sincerely invite all the elites guests to participate in this great event!