Monitor the status of apartments every day, be responsible for human resource deployment and assigning daily work.掌握每天的客房动态,负责当天的人力调配和工作安排。
Perform routine inspection on assigned areas and ensure that high standards of cleanliness and safety are met.巡视所辖区域的客房服务工作,检查清洁卫生、设施设备、安全等,确保达到规定的标准。
Organize and inspect comprehensive room cleanliness.执行并检查客房大清洁工作。 Prepare apartments before guests' arrival, inspect apartments before guests' departure.负责客人到店前的房间准备以及客人离店前的客房检查等相关工作。
Record living habits and special requirements of long-stay guests and VIP, and ensure that their requirements are properly arranged.关注长住客和 VIP 客人的居住习惯和特殊要求,做好记录并妥当安排。
Communicate with guests, make sure that assigned attendants know their special requirements, and offer excellent service.善于与客人沟通,将客人的特殊要求及时传达给所辖区域的服务员,确保服务质量。
Deal with guests' requirements and complaints properly, report exceptional situations and special events to superiors.处理客人提出的一般性要求和投诉,有异常情况和特殊事件及时向上级报告。
Assist manager to manage items storage, consumption management, and regular stock inventory.协同部门经理做好楼层各类物品的存储、消耗统计和管理;做好物品的定期盘点工作。 Involve in safety and fire precaution work, ensure that each attendant know what to do in case of emergency, assist Security Department to check fire fighting equipments, make a safe environment for guests.负责督促和检查安全防火工作。确保部门每个员工对应急措施熟悉了解;协同保安部定期检查防火设施设备,保证客房和客人的安全。
Comply with operation rules and service standards, train attendants, especially new ones.熟练掌握各项操作程序和服务技能,负责客房部服务员、特别是新员工的培训工作。
Perform visual inspections on attendants' appearance and politeness to ensure that Ascott standards are met.负责检查服务员仪容仪表和礼仪礼貌,使他们达到公司标准。
Establish clear rewards and punishment system, motivate staff and improve productivity.奖惩分明,努力调动一切积极因素,提高工作效率。
Offer reasonable advice and suggestions, improve management of Housekeeping Department.提出合理性建议与意见,促进部门的管理。
In compliance with the Ascott Group's Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) guidelines and policies, pay attention to energy conservation and the safe operation in daily work.遵守集团的环境健康安全方针政策,日常工作中注意节能和安全操作。
Other duties assigned by superiors.完成上级交办的其他任务。Requirements 资质需求 Minimum two to three years supervisory working experience in hotel or serviced residence;2-3 年以上的服务公寓/星级酒店部门领班以上管理经验;
Familiar with operation rules of serviced residence/hotel housekeeping, strict compliance withprocedure;熟悉服务公寓/酒店客房的整个操作规程,能够严格按照程序做事;
Good communication skills, ability to train staff;具备良好的沟通能力,并有一定的培训能力;
Sense of initiative, ability to obey, team spirit;良好的主动性,并具有服从精神、团队精神;
Enthusiasm of serviced residence/hotel;热忠于服务式公寓/酒店的服务事业;
Ability to work under pressure.能承受工作压力
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