Under the guidance of the Engineering Division Leader or his delegate ensures that the Hotels equipment is operated in accordance with IHG standards to ensure maximum efficiency and guest satisfaction. Promotes the desired of working culture in the five winning ways as Do the right thing,Show we care,Aim higher,Celebrate difference and Work better together of InterContinental Hotels Group.
在工程部负责人的指导下遵守IHG 标准基础上帮助协调宾馆的工程运营,以确保最优效率和最大的客户满意度。以做对的事,体现关爱,追求卓越,求同存异,协作共赢五个IHG 的制 胜之道来促进工作文化。
High school diploma, but not required
At least 4 years experience as a relevant engineering professional in an upscale hotel/equivalent environment
Fluent English and local language is essential, any additional other languages would be great
上海浦东机场假日酒店即将开业迎宾,欢迎莅临体验!我们竭诚欢迎每一位励志成为酒店人的你前来加入。上海浦东机场假日酒店酒店地理位置优越,位于浦东新区迎宾大道,距离上海浦东国际机场0.5 公里,临近浦东民航大厦和佛罗伦萨小镇。靠近酒店的地铁2号线和磁悬浮列车或是本地区充足的出租车便利于前往城市的其它部分。上海浦东机场假日酒店的409间客房均配有软硬双枕,让您享受舒适睡眠;高速网络让您时刻与外界保持连线。酒店的商务中心将热忱的协助您所有的打印、传真、复印、邮件和IT服务等商务事宜。假日酒店标识性品牌服务定能让宾客在酒店宾至如归,笑由心生。前往上海浦东机场假日酒店光顾全日制餐厅品味厨艺大师的创意杰作,会是您的不二选择。