- 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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* Directly answers all incoming group inquiries/opportunities. * Builds rapport and effectively qualifies each business opportunity.* Exhausts all avenues to sell hotel through alternative dates and/or rates. If no alternative is determined, Sales Coordinator cross sells to another cluster hotel.* Presents the benefits of the hotel to the customer.* Inputs and maintains contact, account and opportunity information in sales system.* Develops accurate contract/offer and sends to customer. Gains commitment of customer through signed contract/offer.* Once signed contract/offer is received, completes accurate, detailed turnover documentation for F&B. * Maintains relationship with customer through thank-you letter and follow up calls to increase repeat business opportunities.* Strives to meet measurable targets and goals, as assigned for individual and team. * Site inspection.
* At least one year hotel sales experience or two years of operations working experience* Strong overall sales skills* Excellent verbal and written communication skills* Proficiency in meeting room set-ups, audio visual, and other support services* Understanding of contract management and legalities* Understanding of sales strategy and need times as developed by revenue management* Understanding and achievement of team and individual goals* Software knowledge* Sales systems knowledge
杭州法云安缦酒店位于西湖西侧的山谷之间,距杭州市中心20分钟车程。法云安缦坐落于天竺寺、天竺古村、灵隐寺和永福寺旁。此处包括周围茶园在内,占地面积共计14公顷。此处共有46处居所,始建于唐朝,曾为附近茶园村民所住。 杭州法云安缦之侧,紧邻灵隐寺的是永福寺;上至山腰,便是韬光寺观海楼,越过群山翠谷,远眺西湖和杭州城,湖光山色,尽收眼底。灵顺寺位于北高峰之巅,为杭州制高点,拥有1,600年历史,此地烟火袅袅,香客络绎不绝,祈求财源滚滚。沿着梅灵北路,在转往法云安缦的另一个方向有一条走道,是最初的天竺(古代中国称印度为天竺)朝圣之路,连接着上中下三座天竺寺。 在浓荫掩映、翠竹环绕之间,经由一条窄道前行便至法云安缦的接待总台,由此沿一条幽径即可通往度假酒店的主干道—法云径。法云径连接所有客房(庭院住宅)和酒店设施。这里的住宅可追溯至百年以前,如今以传统作法和工艺修缮一新,砖墙瓦顶,土木结构,屋内走道和地板均为石材铺置。法云径总长600米,亦通往酒店餐厅、茶室、精品店和若水寮。 杭州法云安缦东侧有一条小溪由南而北缓缓流经,它曾经是古村落日常生活的聚集地,村民们在茶园辛勤劳作了一天,午后便汇集于此,沐浴更衣,闲聊畅谈。