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1. 监督高效率和高生产率的厨房运作,确保在任何时候都始终如一的高标准的食物产品。
2. 负责监督厨房食品质量的准备。
3. 监测收货的食品质量和数量。
4. 同管事部按照卫生标准共同管理好厨房、库房、冰箱的卫生。
5. 同行政总厨共同研究如何发展食品质量控制程序,保证按照成本和食品质量控制程序始终进行。
Sheraton Jinan Hotel is located at the East New Town, the center of Jinan’s new central business district, Sheraton Jinan hotel is just minutes away to the new Olympic Sports Centre. Being part of the complex consisting of upscale shopping, dining and entertainment outlets, the hotel is with easy access to the Jinan Train Station, Jinan Yaoqiang International Airport and the current Jinan city centre. Sheraton Jinan Hotel has 410 beautifully appointed and spacious guest rooms and suites. All rooms and suites are featured with signature Sheraton Sweet SleeperTM Bed known for its soft duvet and plush down pillows. High speed internet access will allow you to stay connected to what is important to you. At Sheraton, we believe life is better when shared. Now you can enjoy Link@SheratonSM experienced with Microsoft®, in the heart of the Sheraton Lobby. Feel free to surf the web on our terminals or bring your laptop for complimentary wireless broadband. With a lobby designed so you can socialize with new friends or old, at Sheraton, you know you belong.With access to more than 4 restaurants and lounges at Sheraton Jinan Hotel, ranging from casual to ?ne-dining, there are plenty of cuisines to explore. Gather friends and family together at one of Sheraton Jinan Hotel’s restaurants including Feast all day dining restaurant, Miyabi Japanese restaurant and Yue Chinese restaurant, or you can have a cup of coffee and great selection of refreshing cocktail at Connexion lobby lounge. With over 3,500 square meters of function space plus a team of experienced events and banquet specialists, The Sheraton Jinan Hotel is a great choice for graceful event – Whether it is a large-scale conference, a corporate gathering, or a fantastic wedding. 13 versatile and flexible function rooms range in size from 40 to 1222 square meters, ensuring you will find the ideal venue for your events and meet your individual needs. Our fully-equipped Business Center will be able to provide all of your business support services.The hotel also features indoor and outdoor pool, a well-equipped gymnasium, Shine Spa and link@sheraton, which are perfect places to keep you refreshed, relax and totally in touch.济南喜来登酒店坐落于山东省省会济南的新东部中心商务区,与第十一届全运会主会场奥体中心相临。可方便快速到达济南火车站,济南遥墙国际机场和济南老城区。酒店集高档次消费购物,餐饮,娱乐于一体,为宾客提供最大便利。酒店拥有410间舒适奢华、宽敞明亮的客房及套房,让您享受到无与伦比的住宿体验。所有客房均配有喜来登独有的“甜梦之床”,柔软的睡枕和舒适的羽绒被定能让您酣然入睡。客房的高速因特网接入可让您随时随地与重要的人保持联系感应。在喜来登,我们相信分享使生活更精彩。现在您可在大堂内尽情享受“随心连动@喜来登 体验在微软”所带来的畅快连接。在酒店电脑上自由自在地体验网上冲浪或是携带您的笔记本电脑享受我们的免费无线宽带。大堂特为您与新知故交谈天说地而专设。身在喜来登,您心属此。拥有4个风格各异的风味餐厅及时尚酒廊. 从典雅的中餐到浪漫的西餐,从轻松的欢聚到庄重的商谈,我们都将满足您不同的口味和环境需要,给您带来愉悦的就餐体验。您可以和挚友相约济南喜来登酒店的特色餐厅品尝美味菜肴, 包括盛宴西餐厅、“雅”日本餐厅以及采悦轩中餐厅,也可以光临怡聚大堂吧享受一杯香浓的咖啡和清爽的特制鸡尾酒所带给您的惬意感受。超过3,500平方米的超大豪华宴会及会议场地,无论是举办大型会议,企业聚会或是浪漫婚礼,这里都将是您最佳的举办场地。13间极具文化特色且组合灵活的会议厅及多功能厅,尺寸从40平方米到1222平方米,确保满足各种不同的会议及宴会需求。设施齐全的商务中心可为您的一切商务活动提供支持服务。休闲娱乐设施方面,酒店还提供室内及室外泳池,设备齐全的健身房,炫逸水疗以及随心连动@喜来登大堂网络互动专区,让宾客在舒放身心的同时与朋友、家人以及商务伙伴保持联络。