3、能较熟练操作word, excel, power point 等办公软件;
Oakwood, “The Most Trusted Name in Serviced Apartment Worldwide” is a global leader and provider of fully serviced apartments. The Oakwood Premier Guangzhou, located at the Tianhe Central Business District, offers elegantly appointed apartments with a fusion of luxury and modernity.We are inviting dynamic, goal-driven and team-oriented candidates to join the pre-opening team. We offer competitive remuneration with a promote-from-within career development for those possessing the right caliber. Candidates with the relevant experience in the hospitality industry and strong communication skills in both English and Chinese are preferred. Email your resume in both English and Chinese to humanresources.premier-guangzhou@oakwood.com 奥克伍德,“享誉全球的服务公寓”,是世界范围内服务公寓的引领者。广州方圆奥克伍德豪景服务公寓位于天河繁华的经济和商业中心,提供现代化豪华装修服务公寓。 我们招聘精力充沛、有活力、工作积极的人士加入奥克伍德团队,公司提供良好的工资福利待遇,根据员工的自身素质进行职业发展规划。如果您是有相关酒店、公寓工作经验,较强的英语水平和沟通能力的合适人选,请将您的中英文简历发到公司邮箱 humanresources.premier-guangzhou@oakwood.com。