- 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
- 联系我们
- 与员工建立起有效的沟通机制,通过努力的工作来得到员工的信任和尊重
- 协助他人工作,来确保客人的满意。对新人和同事,要协助进行有效的培训
- 通过轮换调配来确保区域划分公平。处理日常相关事务。(比如排班,时间调整等等)
- 按照经理检查单来管理考勤
- 在换班期间,协助服务,定餐位,与厨房沟通,以及争取所有客人交谈,来确保客人满意
- 准时并礼貌的递送所有的点单,通过与客人的接触和对客人区域的清洁,来树立一个积极正面的形象
- 培训,保持,并实施己庄所有的服务标准。岗位要求
- 有过西餐或大堂吧服务经验者优先考虑
- 良好的英语沟通能力
- 具有酒店工作经验
- 拥有解决问题、行政管理和人际交往能力
- 食品服务许可或当地政府规定的有效的卫生或健康上岗证
- 温馨提示:投递简历时请务必附上近期证件照。
苏州香格里拉屹立于苏州高新区核心商圈(狮山商圈)。客房楼层位于第28层至51层,因此被誉为“云端酒店”。从酒店步行可至大型购物中心,身居苏州地铁三号线狮山路站,临近一号线和五号线。毗邻苏州博物馆西馆,寒山寺,虎丘,拙政园, 苏州乐园森林世界及夏季水乐园等著名历史人文景点。距离苏州火车站仅需约15分钟车程。酒店拥有多家当地著名餐厅,譬如以苏帮菜闻名的香宫中餐厅,呈现国际风味美食的咖啡厅,西村日本料理餐厅。Shangri-La Suzhou is conveniently located in the core business district of Suzhou High-tech Zone (Shishan Business Circle). The guest room floor is housed on the 28th to 51st floors and is therefore known as the “Up in the Air” hotel. It is within walking distance from neighbouring shopping centre and Shi Shan Road Station of Suzhou Metro Line 3, and near Metro Line 1 and Line 5. Our hotel is adjacent to a number of famous historical and cultural attractions, such as Suzhou Museum West, Hanshan Temple, Tiger Hill, The Humble Administrator's Garden and Suzhou Amusement Land. The hotel is about 15 minutes’ drive from Suzhou train station. The hotel has a range of fine dining and casual eateries, for example: Shang Palace, Café Soo and Nishimura.