3,注意分房员的召唤,主动热情为客人带路,准确敏捷地为客人运 送行李。
4,引领入住客人进入房间,主动介绍饭店以及客房设施设备和服务 项目。
上海远洋宾馆是一家按五星级标准改建装修的知名宾馆,地处北外滩航运集聚区,毗邻美轮美奂的新外滩和国际航运中心。步行五分钟即可到达地铁四号线,与上海整个轨道交通便捷连接。邻近的大连路、新建路两条越江隧道使浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区近在咫尺。步行数分钟就可到达世博会秦皇岛水门,直通世博园区。 宾馆拥有357套客房,其中包括总统套房和豪华行政套房。房间配有最新潮的数字控制系统。位于三、五层的大型多功能宴会厅,气势恢弘,极富高雅气质;位于四层的多间专业会议室,能满足各类商务和会务需求。 宾馆顶楼的上海第一家旋转餐厅,供应港式川菜、燕翅鲍。宾客用餐之余放眼望去,浦江两岸美景尽收眼底。另有风格迥异的中西餐厅、咖啡厅、酒吧等餐厅场所,涵盖小酌、宴请、酒席的不同需求。 除此之外,宾馆还设有健身中心、游泳池、迷你高尔夫、桌球、SPA、KTV等多项娱乐设施,让宾客放松身心,尽享休闲时光。 秉承“远洋服务,精益求精”的服务宗旨,上海远洋宾馆正敞开大门,笑迎四方来宾,共展美好前景。 Hotel Overview Located at the bustling North Bund Shipping Zone, Ocean Hotel Shanghai shows up a five-star brand new look after three year’s renovation. Adjacent to the new Bund and Shanghai International Shipping Center, the hotel enjoys a most convenient traffic near Metro Line Four and two cross-river tunnels which become superb transportation links to the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone. The total 357 rooms including the presidential suite and deluxe executive suites are exquisitely-equipped with the latest digital control system. The majestic multifunctionalhalls on the 3rd and 5th floor as well as various professional meeting rooms on the 4th floor make Ocean Hotel an ideal place for business affairs. On the top floor, the first revolving restaurant in Shanghai serveing Sichuan dishes, bird’s nest, shark’s fin and abalone enables guests to get a bird’s eye view of the city. What’s more, the Chinese and Western restaurants, Greenery Café, Lobby Bar meet almost all banquet-involved demands. Additionally, a series of recreational facilities such as Fitness Center, Indoor Swimming Pool, Mini-Golf,Billiard Room, SPA and KTV are available for guests to enjoy a mental and physical relaxation. Bearing the service goal “An Ocean of Refined Services”, Ocean Hotel Shanghai warmly welcomes friends all over the world.