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郑州索菲特国际饭店郑州索菲特国际饭店是被誉为“欧洲先锋、全球酒店及企业服务集团”---雅高国际酒店集团管理的豪华五星级酒店,姊妹酒店超过4000家,遍布全球140多个国家;是中原地区唯一家上榜福布斯中文版2006、2007年度的“全国最佳商务酒店”。屡获大河报颁发的“游客满意的十佳饭店”,河南省旅游局历年评选的“全省最佳商务酒店”,东方今报评选的“最具风尚酒店”,私家地理颁发的“中国最佳酒店”和中国旅游协会颁发的“中国酒店金星奖”及建筑鲁班奖在内的多项殊荣。开业迄今, 成功接待了众多国家的政界要人及王室成员,有泰国王后和诗琳通公主,挪威王子,塞拉利昂总统,香港及澳门的最高行政长官等。饭店因拥有气势恢宏、充满自然景观的大堂而蜚声海内外。1999年开业, 2009年重新装修了会议室和全部房间。 饭店楼高20层有240间房间,2个风格独特的中西餐厅,2个休闲酒吧,一个夜总会,室内恒温游泳池,康乐中心,桑拿和水疗馆。整个饭店因宁静雅致的户外设计、超大透明的玻璃穹顶、错落有序的布局而营造出浪漫优雅的舒适氛围。郑州索菲特国际饭店地处郑州市城东路和金水大道交汇的黄金地段,周边省级政府机构林立,金融商贸云集,仅10分钟车程即可到达郑东新区,15分钟可到达全国的铁路交通中枢——郑州火车站,距新郑国际机场也仅30分钟,交通非常便利。饭店对面的紫荆山公园和环绕酒店的金水河畔,增加了住店客人的休闲乐趣。一日游的知名景点有驰名中外的少林寺、黄河风景游览区、古都开封和洛阳的龙门石窟。Description:Sofitel Zhengzhou International, the first choice for luxurious 5-star hotel accommodation in Henan. It is located in the heart of the capital of Henan Province, between Chengdong Road and Jin Shui Road, in the heart of the financial and shopping districts of Zhengzhou. The hotel is a 20- floor building with 240 rooms, offering guests a spectacular atrium and a choice of elegantly appointed rooms and suites. Sofitel Zhengzhou International combines a high standard of comfort and service with a wide range of culinary choices and leisure options for the discerning traveler. It features 2 elegantly designed and comfortable restaurants, 2 bars, a nightclub, indoor heated swimming pool and full recreation and health facilities, gents sauna, Decleor Spa, extensive banquet and meeting venues. Sofitel Zhengzhou International is close to local attractions including Zijingshan Park, Peoples Park and Henan Museum. Only 10 minutes to Zhengzhou Economic Zone, 8 minutes to the East Development Zone and International Convention & Exhibition Center, close to the Provincial Government Offices,15 minutes to Zhengzhou Railway, 30 minutes to Xinzheng International airport .It is wonderful for Sofitel Zhengzhou International with the hotel picking up a number of awards including appointments as Forbes Magazine 2006、2007 “Best 50 Business Hotels for China”, and “10 Best Business Hotels of Zhengzhou”, as well as the much coveted “Most Elegant Hotel of Henan Province” award and the “Lu Ban Architecture” award. From the hotel opened on year 1999, Sofitel Zhengzhou has already welcomed lots of very important persons from all over the world such as: Queen of Thailand, Princess of Thailand, Prince of Norway, President of Sierra Leone, Hongkong and Macon Canton Administration Chief, etc.