发布于 2024-11-25
厦门 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 招1人


1.       Asdirected by the Marcom Manager, responsible in the design and artworkproduction of the hotel’s collateral material and other graphic work that arerequired and relevant to sales & promotions of hotel products and services.按照市场传讯经理的指示,负责设计、美工制作、饭店宣传用品、市场推广以及与饭店服务有关的宣传品设计。

2.       Coordinatesbetween the hotel and its suppliers to ensure all works are in line withWyndham Group standard and are completed on time.负责供应商与饭店之间的沟通,确保所有出品准时完成,并符合温德姆酒店管理公司标准。

3.       Assiststhe Marcom Manager with all daily responsibilities and special tasks asdirected.协助市场传讯经理日常工作和分配下达的特别任务。


1.     Responsiblefor hotel artwork design and meet hotel group standard负责按酒店集团标准进行酒店各项美工设计工作(含摄影)

1. Develops design and artworkaccording to hotel group standards for hotel collateral and advertisement,including the service guide, hotel brief introduction,advertisementphotography, menu, invitation card, post card, hotel picture album, memento,Christmas card envelope etc. 按照酒店集团宣传品和广告的标准制作美工设计, 如:酒店的服务指南、酒店简介、广告画面、菜谱、请柬、明信片、酒店宣传册、纪念品、圣诞卡、信封信纸等的制作及印刷。

2. Make sure all design andproduction in line with requirement and standard of Wanda Group.确保全部设计与出品与所要求的相一致并符合集团的标准。

3. Works with the PR Manager toensure optimum image is obtained for all hotel collateral, advertisement andexposures etc.与市场传讯部总监合作,确保所有酒店宣传品、广告及媒体报道都将给饭店带来最优良的宣传效应。

4. Provides technical support to the P R Manage in regardsto designs of all collateral  

and advertisement.为市场传讯部总监提供所有宣传品和广告上有关设计方面的技术支持。

5. Handle all basic photographywork required in the hotel.按照酒店要求处理基本摄影工作。

6. Responsible for the designand make task about photography and welcome card for hotel VIP activities,events and VIP customers.负责酒店重要活动、宴会、VIP 客人的摄影和欢迎牌的设计制作工作。

7. Responsible for decorate thesite of festival day, commemoration and celebration campaign.负责节日, 纪念活动和庆祝活动的场所布置美化工作。

8. Responsible for check if allof indicator card, advertisement card and slogan card are in good condition andmeet hotel group standard, and renovate and change the used and damaged one intime. 负责检查酒店所有指示牌, 广告牌, 标语牌的完好并符合酒店集团标准, 对已旧, 已坏的及时更新更换。

9. Continously maintains theimage of the brand and standard of hotel group.     时刻维护酒店标准及品牌形象。

2.     Hotelartwork and all related required information collecting, in ordering, analysisand safekeeping作好酒店美工资料、其他必备工作资料的收集、整理及存档工作

1. Know well about the relatedinformation of national and abroad. Do well the job about the informationcollecting, in ordering, analysis and safekeeping, ensure the design reasonableand innovative. 掌握国内外相关信息, 做好资料搜集, 整理, 分析和储备工作, 保证设计的合理性和创新性。 

2. Keep well for all photographyfor hotel VIP activities, events and VIP customers.妥善存档酒店重要活动、宴会、VIP 客人的留影资料。

3. Keep a file of valuedmaterials related to the design of hotel publications and promotionalmaterials, both local and overseas.保存国内外酒店有参考价值的出版物及增刊的设计。

4. Keep well and save every kindof art tools, materials and keep the art site neatly.妥善保管、节约使用各种美工工具、材料,保持工作场地整齐清洁。  

5. Prepare “Artists Work MonthlyReport”, account the artist cost for related department and report to MarcomDirector.  编写“美工工作月报”,统计相关部门美工制作费用,报告致市场传讯总监。



Associate degree or above; Computer graphic relatedprofessional全日制大专(含)以上学历;平面设计相关专业  


Min2 years experience in similar capacity in hotel industry or in graphic designfield.在饭店行业里或在设计领域里担任类似职务,至少具有2年工作经验。

Competencies, Skills& Personality Traits Required能力,技能及个性要求

1.      Knowledge and experience in Internet and e-commerce.具备互联网及电子商务方面的知识。

2.      Ability to use computer graphic, photo imaging,publishing and editing software.会使用电脑平面设计,相片处理、印刷编辑软件。

3.      Knowledge and experience in IBM & McIntosh.了解IBM 和苹果电脑的使用。

4.      Good calligraphic skill. 良好的书法。

5.      Excellent Chinese and basic written and verbal English.优秀的中文及基本英文书写与口头表达能力。

6.      Good interpersonal & communicative skills.良好的交流及沟通能力。

7.      Ability to work independently and as a team.独立工作与团队工作的能力。

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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 国有企业
Welcome to Wyndham Grand Xiamen Haicang欢迎光临厦门海旅温德姆至尊酒店Premier location绝佳地域Ideallylocated at Haicang Avenue,the platinum five-star Wyndham Grand Xiamen Haicangis the first international five-star luxury branded hotel in Xiamen’s HaicangDistrict. Located in beautiful Haicang Bay,thestart of Haicang Avenue, separated to the Gulang island and Lujiang Road onlyby the ocean. Easily accessible to Haicang’s Export Processing zone and XiamenPilot Free Trade Zone, the hotel is a 20-minute drive from the Xiamen GaoqiInternational Airport and the railway station,also a 30-minute drive to Xiamen north train station and 3-minutedrive from the Entry to motorway,500 meters far from Songyu Dock, 15-minuteship to Gulangyu Island, Ferry and Zhongshan Road.厦门海旅温德姆至尊酒店, 坐落于美丽的海沧湾,海沧大道的起点,是厦门市海沧区首家国际奢华五星级品牌酒店。其地理位置优越,与鹭江道和鼓浪屿隔海相望,紧邻出口加工区,厦门自贸试验区。交通便捷,至厦门高崎国际机场及厦门火车站仅需30分钟车程,距厦门动车北站仅需30分钟车程,到达高速入口仅需3分钟车程,与嵩屿码头仅相距500米,乘船至鼓浪屿及轮渡中山路仅需10分钟。Elegance&Comfort舒适优雅Offering353 spacious and beautifully decorated regal guestrooms and suits withbreathtaking views of the Xiamen Island, Gulangyu Island and stunning views ofXiamen Haicang Bay makes your stay more comfortable and visually appealing.酒店共设353间豪华宽敞的客房及套房,可凭窗眺望厦门岛、海沧湾及鼓浪屿的醉人景致,令人惬意舒畅。A Culinary Experience美食体验The AllDay Dining Constellation Western Restaurant in hotel invites you to experiencethe interactive “open kitchen theater” stations where you can appreciate thewide selection of culinary specialties. In Chun Xuan Chinese restaurant, weprovide the delicious dishes of classic Cantonese food and special localseafood. In addition, Qin Huai restaurant with Huaiyang feature bring you thediverse dishes from Watery Towns in Southern China, tasting the variousepicurean food like the ancient Chinese poetry:” A few houses hidden past anarrow bridge where a quite creek running below”. Meanwhile, through thewindow, you can appreciate the magnificent view of the sea and the sky mergedinto one, enjoy the wide different experience.星璨西餐厅诚邀您来体验开放式“剧院厨房”的互动美丽,尽享国际美食带来的饕餮盛宴。在椿轩中餐厅我们为您准备了融合经典粤菜与本地特色海鲜的佳肴美馔供您挑选。此外,具有淮扬特色的秦怀餐厅还为您带来了江南水乡的各式风味美食,让您在品味小桥流水人家别致情怀的同时,还能惬意欣赏窗外海天一色的壮阔奇趣,享受风格迥异的绝妙体验.Meeting Your Needs会议及宴会首选TheWyndham Grand Xiamen haicang is one the best -equipped video conferencingvenues in the city . Spacious conference and banquet facilities to ensure yourconference, wedding, banquet and social gatherings not only meet , but exceedyour expectations.酒店拥有齐全的会议及宴会设施。1400平方米的会议和宴会场地,可同时接待1000人的会议及宴会,11间不同大小的多功能厅则可举办更为私人的活动。一支创新,灵活的专业服务团队,为您的会议或宴会搭配精彩纷呈,激动人心的主题,确保活动的圆满成功。Fitnesss Centre 健身中心WyndhamSports Center lead the customer to discover healthy way of life which is themost relaxed experience. Build the biggest gym center among Xiamen luxuryhotels, equipped with the top-level facilities and the professional coaches,where you can enjoy the distance from complication and have a leisurely trip,rebuilt yourself and integrate with nature. Meanwhile Wyndham Grand offers poolthat open all year round, large yoga room and playing center designed forchildren , which give you diverse experiences of life.总面积1700平方米,蓝睦健身中心引领客人发现健康生活方式,体验身心的极致放松。打造全市最大的奢华酒店健身场所,配备顶级的健身器材,以及专业的健身教练。让您能远离喧嚣,悠然自得,重塑自己,融入自然。同时酒店拥有全年开放的户外泳池,超大的瑜伽操房,以及为儿童量身定做的游乐中心,给您的业余生活带来丰富的彩。酒店地址:中国福建省厦门市海沧区嵩屿东路88号电话:(86 592)688 5555传真:(86 592)688 2170电子邮箱:hr@wyndhamgrandxm.com 