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郑州建国饭店是由北京首旅建国酒店管理公司管理的五星级豪华饭店。饭店地处郑州市主干道金水大道东侧,紧邻商务CBD核心区,地理位置优越,交通便利,郑州地铁一号线民航路站F1出口出站即到,距离郑州会展中心仅一站3分钟车程,距离郑州新郑机场车程25分钟,距离二七商圈、郑州东站(高铁站)车程10分钟。饭店整体风格为欧式建筑、花园式庭院,是河南省内荣膺国家旅游局和建设部授予的“环境艺术型旅游饭店”称号的饭店。饭店拥有风格各异客房319间。环翠咖啡厅可为您提供各种国际风情美食;中餐厅主营具有百年历史文化的北京官府谭家菜,同时可为您提供精美的湘菜、粤菜及豫菜。饭店拥有装潢优雅、气度非凡的天月厅、北京厅等8个不同规格的会议厅,配备有现代化视听设备,是举办各种会议、宴会活动等理想场所。游泳池、健身房,让您在工作之余得到充分的放松和恬静的享受。 JianGuo Hotel is a Five-star rated hotel in Zhengzhou, which is managed by BTG-Jianguo Hotel & Resorts Management Company. It has good exposure to the political, economic and cultural center of Zhengzhou Jinshui avenue, close to the CBD, with convenient location and transportation, F1 export east of Minhang station by Zhengzhou subway line one, 3 minutes by taxi to the Zhengzhou convention and exhibition center, 25 minutes by taxi to the Xinzheng airport, and only 10 minutes to the Erqi trading area,Zhengzhou east station (high-speed). Both Eastern & Western culture are confluent in hotel\'s construction characters. It’s in Henan Province regarded as “Tourist Hotel with Artistic Environment” by National Tourism Bureau and Construction Board.The hotel Comprises 319 comfortably furnished, spacious. A selection of international cuisine is offered in Huancui Cafè. Chinese restaurant specialises in the one hundred - year - old culture of Beijing government tan dishes there, dishes of Sichuan and Gongdong and Henan are available. There are eight meeting halls with different styles like Tianyue and Beijing hall which are well-equipped with modern video & audio facilities. It is the perfect place for any business and entertainment activity. Swimming pool , fitness center, various recreational facilities are offered for relaxation.中国河南省郑州市金水区金水路与民航路交叉口[地铁1号线民航路站F1出口东50米]The junction of Jinshui Road and Minhang Street, Zhengzhou,Henan Province,P.R.China(50 meters east to the F1 export of subway line one)邮政编码:450008饭店电话:86(0)371 65792222订房热线:86(0)371 65792468 65792028饭店网址:http://www.btghotels.com