合肥融创施柏阁大观&永乐半山 酒店坐落在合肥滨湖新区,周边拥有全球首座也是唯一一座大型徽派文化主题乐园、华东最大的室内恒温水乐园、尖端科技电影乐园以及18万方超220个品牌的超大体量商业体融创茂等。
STEIGENBERGER ICONS & LEBANSHAN HOTELS is located in Hefei Binhu District which within 7 types of operation such as the ONLY theme park with HUI style, the Biggest Indoor Water Park of East China, the High Technological Movie Park and huge properties with over 220 brands Sunac Mall.
Located in premier destinations and overflowing with rich Oriental ambience, STEIGENBERGER ICONS offers its acclaimed guests an extravagant experience of exclusive service and artistry.
为商务人士创造温馨 、惬意的居停感受的永乐半山承诺给每位客人美妙的睡眠体验、独特的东方美食,定会令各方宾客难以忘怀。
As a warm and comfortable resting place for business travelers, LEBANSHAN HOTELS offers its guests an unforgettable journey and unique Oriental cuisine.