You will be responsible for the efficient running of the department in line with Hyatt International's Corporate Strategies and brand standards, whilst meeting employee, guest and owner expectations. The Asst. FOM is responsible to assist the FOM or DOR in delivering the brand promise by managing the Front Office operations for the hotel, including, but not limited to, the Front Desk, Front Service (including parking and the hotel entrance), Communications Centre, Business Centre and Regency or Grand Club.
Ideally with a university degree or diploma in Hospitality or Tourism management. Minimum 2 years work experience as Asst. FOM or FO Assistant Manager. Good problem solving, administrative and interpersonal skills are a must.
大连君悦酒店位于亚洲最大的城市广场——星海广场,毗邻星海湾沙滩及高档海滨别墅社区,是凯悦酒店集团进驻大连的首间酒店。酒店拥有360间典雅舒适的客房及套房,6间风格迥异的餐厅与酒吧,为宾客提供缤纷的美食选择。总面积达2,568平方米的高端会议与宴会设施,是举办婚宴、会议及各种聚会的完美之选。同时,酒店还配备了先进完善的健身中心与舒适私密的“谧”水疗,让宾客尽享轻松时光。连享有省级经济管理特权。大连君悦酒店将定位为星海广场地区高端的休闲及商务社交场所,以及各种住宿及非住宿型活动的理想之选。其休闲、商务散客以及大型团队会议将主要来源于国内以及附近的软件园区。酒店于2014年8月盛大开业,大连君悦酒店是您全新体验的开始,现诚招酒店业精英。我们致力于为员工营造高品质和全方位的学习及持续发展机会的平台。热诚欢迎充满活力、热情服务和亲切笑容的您,加入凯悦大家庭,与大连君悦共创美好未来!大连君悦酒店公开招聘日 时间:每周一至周五下午2:00至4:00地点:大连君悦酒店人力资源部(请从员工通道进入)请携带个人简历、身份证原件、复印件及一寸近照来参加现场面试