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我们的酒店南京涵月楼酒店是由江苏雨润控股集团投资兴建,打造国际超豪华综合型五星级酒店。酒店位于雨润国际广场北侧,共27层,拥有大堂吧、行政酒廊、中西餐厅、酒吧等餐饮设施,恒温泳池、健身房、SPA室等康体设施,多功能厅、VIP贵宾接见厅、商务中心、会议室等商务设施,以及319套奢华舒适的豪华客房及套房,是2014年青奥会的总部酒店。Our HotelNanjing Hanyuelou Hotel is invested and built by Jiangsu Yurun Holding Group to build an international super-luxury comprehensive five-star hotel. Located on the north side of Yurun International Plaza, the hotel has a total of 27 floors. It has lobby bars, administrative lounges, Chinese and Western restaurants, bars and other dining facilities, heated swimming pools, gyms, spa rooms and other recreational facilities, multi-functional halls, VIP VIP interview rooms, business centers, meeting rooms and other business facilities. As well as 319 luxurious and comfortable Deluxe rooms and suites, it is the headquarters hotel of the 2014 Youth Olympic Games.我们的业主雨润控股集团是一家集食品、物流、商业、旅游、房地产、金融和建设等七大产业于一体的民营企业集团,成立于1993年,总部位于江苏南京,员工总数超过12万人,下属子(分)公司三百多家,遍布全国30个省、直辖市和自治区。2012年,雨润实现销售收入首次突破千亿元,达1061亿元。企业综合实力位列中国企业500强中排名第112位,中国制造业500强第39位,中国民营企业500强第8位,中国肉食品加工业第1位,是江苏省首批冲击世界500强优质民营企业之一。目前,雨润旗下拥有雨润食品(1068.HK)、南京中商(600280.SH)两家上市公司。Our OwnerYurun Group Co., Ltd, established in 1993 and headquartered in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, is a private enterprise with the business areas of food processing, logistics, trade & commerce, tourism, real estate, finance and construction. It has nearly 300 subsidiaries and branch companies located in more than 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions all over the China. The total number of employees has exceed 130,000. In 2012, Yurun firstly exceeded 100 billion sales revenue which reached 106.1 billion RMB. It was ranked the 112th among China's Top 500 enterprises, the 39th in China's manufacturing industry, and the 8th among China's Top 500 privately-owned companies. It was also the No. 1 in China's Meat Processing Industry and one of the best privately-owned companies in Jiangsu Province which are in first batch aiming for Fortune Global 500.Till the present, Yurun boasts 2 listed companies: Yurun Food (Stock symbol: 1068HK) and Nanjing Central Emporium (600280SH). 欢迎自信负责、专业热情的员工加入我们。We believe the birds of a feather really do flock together. We welcome who are full of confidence, profession and enthusiasm to join us.