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Duties & Responsibilities:
1. Constant customer contact directed towards existing customers and potential customers.
2. Identifies and handles sales leads effectively and efficiently.
3. Represents the hotel and participates in domestic and international sales activities.
4. Creative contribution to product and sales development.
5. Fulfills Customer Relationship Management responsibilities and sales goals for defined customers through planned customer interviews.
6. During sales calls, carries out “cross selling” in accordance with corporate and divisional guidelines.
7. Monitors and reports on market and competition within own market segment.
8. Prepares and updates customer management reports and ensures all necessary follow up work is carried out on time.
9. Active distribution of product information and creates awareness in the markets and business segments or responsibility.
10. Participates in planning and realization of sales campaigns together with the Sales Manager within defined market segments.
11. Active participation and submission of reports at sales meetings.
12. Assists in planning and coordinating sales activities and events.
13. Work closely with catering sales, and hand over contracted group business inclusive of catering or meeting to catering sales.
14. Assists in coordinating the development of all promotional material.
15. Managers account base and maintains all customer information up to date manually and electronically.
16. Provides ongoing advice and support to the department.
17. Undertakes tasks as and when requested to fulfill the marketing and sales objectives of hotel.
18. Abides by the Sheraton Employee Handbook.
19. Abides by both the hotel and Sheraton policies and procedures.
20. Analyses, evaluates and improves personal performance on a continual basis.
Carries out other tasks as directed by the Director of Sales.
1. 与既有的客户和潜在的客户及合作伙伴保持密切的联系。
2. 高效认知和掌握销售线索。
3. 代表酒店参加国际及国内的销售活动。
4. 发挥创造力,为开发饭店产品和拓展销售做出贡献。
5. 仔细计划与客户的会面,对预定的客户实施客户关系管理,完成销售目标。
6. 在销售拜访的活动中,按照集团和亚太区的集团规定实施交叉销售。
7. 在所负责的市场区域内,监视和报告市场及竞争者的情况。
8. 准备销售报告,确保市场及客户信息的准确性,以便于工作的跟进。
9. 积极地传播产品信息,在负责的市场内营造饭店的知名度。
10. 在所负责的区域内,与部门总监一起计划销售攻势,并确保其实现。
11. 主动参与,完成各种销售报告。
12. 协助计划和配合销售活动。
13. 与宴会销售密切合作,并及时顺利地将已签约的有宴会或会议的团队生意交接给宴会销售。
14. 协助配合开发制作所有酒店促销材料。
15. 管理客户档案数据库。手工或以电脑更新客户档案。
16. 不断地对部门给予持续建议及支持。
17. 按上级指示完成饭店的市场销售任务。
18. 遵守喜来登酒店的员工手册。
19. 遵守喜来登酒店的行为准则。
20. 不断分析、评估、提高个人表现。
21. 执行销售总监交代的其他任务。
Job Knowledge / Skill
1. Knowledge and experience in Internet and other major computer programs.
2. Ability to use Sales and Front Office computer systems.
3. Knowledge in Corporate, Travel Industry, CI & M and Catering sales.
Ability and understanding of the market and competition.
4. Min. 3 years in hospitality experience. Min 2 years sales experience in same level hotel.
1. 掌握使用互联网及其它主要电脑系统的知识。
2. 掌握应用销售及前台的电脑系统。
3. 了解商务旅游、旅游业国际市场,会议旅游及餐饮销售。
4. 至少3年酒店行业工作经验。至少有同等酒店2年销售工作经验。
湛江位于广东省的西南部,中国大陆最南端,坐落于雷州半岛,南隔琼州海峡,与海南省相望,拥有约2000公里长的黄金海岸线,是一座激情浪漫的海湾城市。Located in the farthest part of southern mainland China, in the southwest of Guangdong province, Zhanjiang is also part of Leizhou Peninsula. Across the Qiongzhou Channel, to the south of the city, lies the Hainan province.湛江民大喜来登酒店由万豪集团管理,广东民大投资集团投资兴建的一家极具地域文化特色的豪华国际酒店,坐落于湛江市赤坎观海长廊旁的天然泳场地段,与湛江海湾大桥相映成辉,成为湛江的城市名片。Sheraton Zhanjiang, managed by Marriott International and invested by Guangdong Minda group, is an upper upscale hotel with distinctive local culture, she is located at the beach of Zhanjiang Chikan district, reflects brightly with Haiwan bridge and becomes image of Zhanjiang.酒店拥有430间宽敞舒适的客房,全方位的海景,和喜来登一如既往的舒适,通讯便捷,让您轻松地工作。酒店还建有直升飞机停机坪,抵达即下榻,毗邻购物与商业中心区。The hotel has 430 spacious rooms, overlooking the sea, you can feel the pleasant, relaxing atmosphere from the moment you step into the lobby of Sheraton Zhanjiang Hotel. Convenient communication systems will take the hassle out of any work. The hotel has helicopter tarmac so guests can arrive and stay directly.无论是商务旅行还是休闲度假,湛江民大喜来登酒店都会为您提供一切所需,享受一次轻松难忘的住宿体验。Whether it is a business trip or purely for vacation, Sheraton Zhanjiang Hotel will provide all your stay will need for an enjoyable experience.