防损员/主管 Loss Prevention Officer/Supervisor
发布于 2023-02-21
防损员/主管 Loss Prevention Officer/Supervisor
湛江 | 2年以上 | 高中 | 招1人

Duties & Responsibilities:

1.        Keep smooth order of Hotel, fulfill the work dedicatedly, and ensure the safety of Hotel.

2.        Offer necessary service to guest.

3.        Conduct regular safety patrol, find out any obscuration of accidents, take necessary measures and report to higher level on time.

4.        Take good care of communication facilities and skillfully operate all fire control equipment.

5.        Record problems during patrolling and report, examine and monitor with polite once find suspicious personnel and articles.

6.        Be familiar with the locations of hotel fire facilities and equipment’s and their operation.

7.        Strictly carry out shift hand over regulation, cherish position facilities, make detailed record of work needs to follow up.

8.        Be familiar with current first aid and fire emergency procedures.

9.        The management reserves the right to change / extend this job description if necessary at any point of time during her / his employment.

10.     Greet associates, farewell associates and remain polite and friendly at all times.

11.     Carry out gatekeeper rule strictly.

12.     To protect pass in and out, to forbid anybody pass in and out staff route without permission.

13.     Check up staff nameplate, to prevent idler come into hotel.

14.     Take control of stranger; deal the laissez-passer for the one whom with allowable reason.

15.     Check up package and goods of staff, if found someone without gate pass, should keep it, then report to captain.

16.     Arrange bicycle putting orderly.

17.     Monitor staff sign in with card puncher, if found the staff who break the rule, do the record and report to HR.

18.     Greeting guests and helping associates in the daily work.

19.     To be inquired the non in-house guest politely, if they don’t have allowable reason should be prevented skillfully.

20.     To avoid the guest take flammable, explosive items and pet come into hotel, if found hereinbefore issue that do the explanation work to guest well.

21.     To be careful about situation of lobby, to avoid guest or hotel property lose and facility be destroyed.

22.     To be careful about situation of lobby bar, to avoid zonked guest makes trouble, and report to Svp.

23.     Answer the question of guest friendliness, warmly, forwardly.

24.     To avoid uniform wearer walked through the lobby to leave the hotel.

25.     To be careful about situation of reception cashier.

26.     Daily monitor all activities happening in the premises where the cameras are installed. If a suspicious item or person is found in the public area or in a restricted area, immediately inform Shift Safety & Security Supervisor on duty of the incident by radio.

27.     Report malfunction status and/or the fault of the system to the on-duty Safety & Security Supervisor in time for further action.

28.     Record all physical problems of the system, suspicious item/person or activity in full details in the Logbook equipped at post.

29.     Every day check CCTV video selectively, ensure videos are saved more than 30 days so that the managers of hotel check it at any time.

30.     Keep the CCTV room clean and tidy and the door closed. The CCTV room is for authorized staff only (officer personnel and engineering staff). Any other staff wishes to enter this room must get the approval from Loss Prevention Manager.

31.     The Loss Prevention officer on duty in the CCTV room is not allowed to leave post for any reason. He should remain at post until relieved for break time or replaced by the next shift officer.

32.     Be responsible for inventorying all Loss Prevention equipment in the CCTV room before the start of his shift.

33.     Skillfully operate all fire fighting equipment and facilities, organize to extinguish the fire at its beginning, assist evacuation.

34.     Take good care of communication facilities and safety equipment.

35.     In case of emergency, remain at post to continue watching internal activities though the camera system and wait for instruction from Shift Loss Prevention Supervisor and/or Loss Prevention Manager.、

36.     To forbid anybody comes into hotel with flammability, explosive goods.

37.    Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.


1.  维护酒店安全秩序,尽职尽责完成岗位工作,保证酒店安全。

2.  为客人提供帮助和服务。

3.  定期对酒店进行安全巡视,及时发现隐患,及时上报并采取措施.

4.  爱护通讯器材,熟练使用各种消防设施和器材。

5.  详细记录巡查过程中发现的问题,上报处理,发现可疑人员和事物要礼貌地进行盘查、监控。

6.  熟悉酒店消防设施、设备的位置、操作及使用方法。

7.  爱护岗位物品,严格落实交接班制度,对未完成和需跟进的工作要详细记录。

8.  熟悉急救程序及消防紧急措施。

9.  主动问候及向员工告别,保持一贯的礼节礼貌和友善。

10. 严格履行门卫管理制度。

11. 维护进出秩序,禁止任何未经许可的人员进入。

12. 检验进入酒店员工的证件,防止闲杂人员入内。

13. 对进入酒店的外来人员予以控制,对有正当事由来店者,按外来人员管理制度办理“通行证。”

14. 检查出店员工所携带的包裹、物品。如员工无出门条携带酒店物品,应立即将人、物予以扣留,交于主管作进一步处理。

15. 安排指引员工将自行车有序停放。

16. 监督员工上下班打卡,对违反打卡规定者作好记录上报人力资源部。

17. 禁止任何人员将易燃易爆等危险物品从员工口带入酒店。

18. 在日常工作中主动问候客人并帮助酒店员工。

19. 对欲进入客房楼层的非住店客人礼貌问明事由,对无正当理由的闲杂人员应予以灵活制止。

20. 禁止客人将易燃易爆物品及宠物带入客房区域。发现以上情况应耐心向客人作好解释工作。

21. 经常留意大堂内动向及人员情况,防止有人乘机偷拿客人及酒店物品防止大堂内设施被破坏。

22. 注意观察大堂吧内和西餐厅情况,遇有客人喝醉时应采取有效防范措施并向主管汇报。

23. 友善、热情、主动地回答客人的提问。

24. 制止着制服员工从大堂穿行离开酒店。

25. 观察各个收银处的动态。

26. 时刻通过安装的摄像机监控酒店范围内所有的活动。 如有可疑人员出现在公共区域,或禁区, 应立即通过对讲机告知当班的主管。

27. 如有设备发生故障, 应立即汇报给当班主管予以跟进。

28. 汇报情况后, 也应将该系统的错误情况 在当班记录本上作完整记录。

29. 每天按要求抽查CCTV录像,确保录像保存30天以上,以便管理层的随时查阅。

30. 保持CCTV区域干净整洁,保持闲人误入。 进入人员仅限授权的管理层人员,以及维护人员。 其余人员进入CCTV区域前,必须得到防损部经理的批准。

31. CCTV值班人员不允许随意离开岗位。 必须等待指定的换岗人员到达后,才能离开。

32. CCTV值班人员在开始接班时,必须先确保所有安全设备均无缺损。

33. 熟练掌握各种消防设施和器材,能够组织人员扑灭初期火灾,协助人员疏散。

34. 爱护使用的通讯器材和各种安全设施。

35. 在紧急突发情况下,CCTV值班人员应坚守岗位,保持观察,听从防损部主管,经理的指挥。



Job Knowledge / Skill:

1.Loss Provention experience and management skill.

2.Senior high school .

3.Working in the Loss Provention department of high standard hotel more than 2 year.

4.Veteran, upstanding service consciousness and skill.






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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 500-999人
  • 私营.民营企业
湛江位于广东省的西南部,中国大陆最南端,坐落于雷州半岛,南隔琼州海峡,与海南省相望,拥有约2000公里长的黄金海岸线,是一座激情浪漫的海湾城市。Located in the farthest part of southern mainland China, in the southwest of Guangdong province, Zhanjiang is also part of Leizhou Peninsula. Across the Qiongzhou Channel, to the south of the city, lies the Hainan province.湛江民大喜来登酒店由万豪集团管理,广东民大投资集团投资兴建的一家极具地域文化特色的豪华国际酒店,坐落于湛江市赤坎观海长廊旁的天然泳场地段,与湛江海湾大桥相映成辉,成为湛江的城市名片。Sheraton Zhanjiang, managed by Marriott International and invested by Guangdong Minda group, is an upper upscale hotel with distinctive local culture, she is located at the beach of Zhanjiang Chikan district, reflects brightly with Haiwan bridge and becomes image of Zhanjiang.酒店拥有430间宽敞舒适的客房,全方位的海景,和喜来登一如既往的舒适,通讯便捷,让您轻松地工作。酒店还建有直升飞机停机坪,抵达即下榻,毗邻购物与商业中心区。The hotel has 430 spacious rooms, overlooking the sea, you can feel the pleasant, relaxing atmosphere from the moment you step into the lobby of Sheraton Zhanjiang Hotel. Convenient communication systems will take the hassle out of any work. The hotel has helicopter tarmac so guests can arrive and stay directly.无论是商务旅行还是休闲度假,湛江民大喜来登酒店都会为您提供一切所需,享受一次轻松难忘的住宿体验。Whether it is a business trip or purely for vacation, Sheraton Zhanjiang Hotel will provide all your stay will need for an enjoyable experience.
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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