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• 测试并安装总部批准的程序到酒店电脑系统。
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• 了解并掌握总部既定的前台系统,餐厅销售系统,电话计费系统的特点和功能,包括系统安全,系统报告,管理功能,系统工具和用户功能。
• 对总部批复的每个系统选定单独人员,使他或她能对操作员进行培训。
• 选定酒店员工使之在上述培训人员不在时代替他/她的工作。
• 制定并测试紧急情况处理程序,以便系统停止工作时实施。
• 保证所有电脑介质的安全,备份完整,按照总部要求存放。
• 管理电脑房的钥匙,保证电脑房的防火,室温,电源设备与总部的安全要求一致。
• 控制所有用户的帐户和密码,和最敏感的工具包保密和紧急情况下使用的资源。
• 在防损经理的指导下,控制所有后台系统用户密吗,安全界限和最敏感的部分。
• 对技术,用户文件,系统报告,消息和声明维护致整洁而且安全试样。
• 制作和分发实时报告消息和声明掌握故障报告改进信息列表。
• 参加总部和电脑公司及供应商组织的技术方面的会议,得到最新的变化发展信息。
• 确保酒店网络连接正常,如有问题,第一时间处理并恢复,最大限度减少对酒店运营的影响。
• 协助各部门物资的采购、收货、对帐及盘点工作。
• 完成上级安排的其它工作。
• 大专学历以上
• 精通电脑软硬件和网络维修
• 适应灵活的工作时间
关于裸心集团 裸心集团成立于2007年,致力于为人们打造返璞归真、充满愉悦体验的度假村及生活方式品牌。裸心集团创始人是来自南非的连续创业者高天成(Grant Horsfield)。裸心大本营(总部)位于中国上海,集团创立的知名业务与品牌包含裸心度假村(裸心谷和裸心堡),联合办公空间裸心社以及由裸心集团孵化的共享课程平台BULA。 裸心集团把度假村业务作为起点,在浙江省莫干山先后建造了精品民宿裸心乡(2007年开业),和中国首家荣获LEED国际绿色建筑铂金级认证的度假村裸心谷(2012年开业)。裸心度假村以独树一帜的风格和极致用心的品质享誉国内外,不仅获得各类业内外奖项无数,也成为中国旅游版图上的必游之地。2016年位于泰国普吉岛的裸心帆(Arabella号)成为裸心度假村开发的水上度假体验品牌。2017年5月,裸心堡隆重揭幕,它不仅成为莫干山高端度假村的新标杆,也标志着裸心集团度假村板块迎来新一轮发展,多个国内新项目也蓄势待发,其中包括裸心泊(苏州太湖)、裸心岭(南京溧水)和裸心园(郑州伏羲山)。此外,裸心集团计划在未来五年内将在中国和亚洲拓展度假村项目达25个。 凭借在度假村领域的发展,裸心集团在打造高品质体验、系统性运营管理以及提升品牌价值等方面积累了丰富经验,这也为其不断开拓更多新业务提供可能。2015年,裸心集团敏锐地迎合共享经济爆发式增长的趋势,进军联合办公业务,创立裸心社。裸心社以设计、科技、社区建设、服务体验这四大专长和优势迅速赢得会员的青睐,并快速扩张成为行业翘楚。在创立的两年中,裸心社成功完成两轮融资并在全球范围设立50个点,足迹遍布中国、越南、英国以及澳大利亚。2018年4月12日,裸心集团宣布旗下裸心社联手WeWork中国启动合并计划,强强联手,将持续拓展更具发展空间的联合办公新模式。 从别致的度假村到激发灵感的工作场所和最新孵化的共享生活方式平台,裸心集团希望通过一致的生活方式理念勾勒出人们旅行、工作、和生活的可能性,用“快活裸心”的态度持续探索和思考人与人、人与环境、人与自身的联系。 更多信息,请访问 www.livenaked.com About naked Group naked Group, founded in 2007 by Grant Horsfield, a serial entrepreneur from South Africa, is committed to connecting people to live light, healthy and naked through its resorts and lifestyle brands. Base-camped (headquartered) in Shanghai, China, naked Group has created well-known businesses and brands including naked Retreats (naked Stables and naked Castle), naked Hub and a recently incubated space-sharing education platform, BULA. naked Group is deeply rooted in hospitality and the resort business. Starting with naked Home, a boutique resort built in 2007; and then an internationally renowned resort, naked Stables, was opened in the Moganshan Mountain area in 2012. naked Stables is the first resort in China to receive the highly coveted LEED platinum sustainability certification. The defining characteristics of naked Resorts are unique design and high quality service. naked Resorts has received many prestigious awards and become a must-visit destination in China for travelers. In 2016, naked Sail - a luxury catamaran named Arabella - became a new brand and experience based out of Phuket, Thailand. In 2017, naked Castle was opened. It has become a new benchmark for premium resorts in Moganshan. Its opening also symbolized naked Retreats’ next rounds of expansion. There are several more resorts in the pipeline, such as naked Water (Taihu Lake, Suzhou), naked Hill (Wuxiang Mountain, Nanjing) and naked Valley(Fuxi Mountain, Zhengzhou). In addition, naked Group plans to expand naked resorts to 25 in China and Asia within 5 years. With over ten years of hospitality experience, naked Group is renowned for curating high quality experiences, operation management, and branding. This has opened the door for naked to expand into other businesses to promote its lifestyle and brand values. In 2015, taking advantage of the opportunities within the sharing economy, naked Group entered the co-working market and opened the first naked Hub in Shanghai. naked Hub is known for its design, technology, community and hospitality and quickly became a leader in the industry. Within 2 years, naked Hub successfully completed 2 rounds of funding and expanded its locations up to 50 in China, Vietnam, UK and Australia. In April 2018, naked Group announced that naked Hub and WeWork would join forces to support future co-working businesses in China and throughout Asia. From unique resorts, creative workspaces to more innovative lifestyle and experiences, naked Group is rethinking how we connect with people, places, nature and ourselves. naked Group is redefining and transforming the industries of travel, work and lifestyle. naked’s mission is to get everyone to “Live naked”. For more Information about naked Group, please go visit our website:www.livenaked.com