Situated in the up and coming trendy area of Qingdao called Licang.Our hotel is positioned at the foot of the beautiful Laoshan Mountains of Qingdao and is only 5 minutes from the site ofthe 2014 Qingdao International Garden Expo.The hotel will be the first international hotel in Licang and will have 260 rooms, multiple food and beverage venues and extensive meeting facilities.We are looking for ambitious, career and business minded team members to join our team for great success!青岛李沧绿城喜来登酒店坐落于青岛又一正在崛起的城市新区--李沧区。酒店临近青岛美丽的风景名胜--崂山,距2014年国际世园会园区仅5分钟路程。作为李沧区首家国际品牌的酒店,酒店配有259间客房,各类餐厅及灵活的会议空间。我们诚挚的欢迎积极进取、有事业心的您加入我们的团队,共创我们的精彩和成功!应聘者亦可于每周一至周四上午9点-下午4点30分携带一寸照片及身份证复印件至酒店B2负二层人力资源部进行职位申请及面试。