销售副总监 Associate Director of Sales
发布于 2022-08-02
销售副总监 Associate Director of Sales
杭州 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 招1人

§  确保拜访客人的专业性,运用凯悦的顾问式销售原则、技巧的理念。

Ensures professional Sales Calls using Hyatt’s Consultative Selling principles, Hyatt Sales Skill philosophies.

§  根据既定的目标来计划拜访客人。

Carefully plans Sales Calls into defined objectives.

§  保持对酒店的设施设备、特征和服务的具体了解。

Conducts extensive competitor researches and maintains excellent Product Knowledge of the Hotel.

§  系统而有效地拜访范围之内的关键客户,把所得的发现和机会整合成报表并上交给销售部总监。

Systematically and efficiently calls on Key Accounts within location and reports findings and opportunities to the Director of Sales.

Establishes strong contacts to source for information with regards to planned and upcoming functions / events.

§  根据年度市场营销计划上标明的个人负责区域来执行销售活动计划。

§   Implements all sales action plans related to responsibility areas as outlined in the Marketing plan.


§  完成并超越每月和年度个人目标、公司客户房晚数和客房收入指标。同时协助餐饮收入以及其他产生利润部门收入达到并超越指标。

Achieves the monthly and annual personal target and the corporate segment target room night production and room revenue. To assist to achieve and Food and Beverage, and all other revenue generating departments.

§  与相关的运营部门保持良好的协调和合作关系,确保满足客人的要求和期望。

Liaises and works closely with the related operation departments ensuring guests requests and expectations are being met.

§  预先调查和锁定关键客户,利用Opera和Envision销售和宴会数据库制定适合而有效的销售策略,从而扩大酒店的市场份额。

Pre-qualifies and targets Key Accounts, utilising Sales & Catering database from OPERA and ENVISION and develops appropriate and effective sales solicitation strategies to increase hotel’s market share.

§  确保在销售工作中,通过销售电话和书面沟通体现酒店的高水准。

Ensures a high level of exposure for hotel through direct sales solicitation of telephone contact and written communications.

§  专业地进行日常电话销售,寻求并确定新的商机。

Professionally conducts routine telemarketing activities to identify new accounts.

§  定期进行市场调查和竞争对手的调查。

Conducts regular Market Surveys and Competitor Researches.

§  参考报纸、商业杂志和其他的出版物,从而获取会议和活动的相关信息。

Consults newspapers, trade journals, and other publications to learn about conventions and social functions.

§  通过罗列信息,如组织者的姓名和会议计划等,编辑商机文件,用于酒店推广。

Organises prospect files by listing information, such as names of officials and plans for conventions, to be used for promotional purposes.

§  指导销售部人员参与和旅行社、商业和社会团体间的商务信函和联系。

Directs Sales associates engaged in preparing promotional correspondence with travel bureaus, business and social groups.

§  同部门主管协商讨论,并制定获取生意的计划。

Confers with Department Heads to discuss and formulate plans for soliciting business.

§  联系并向组织者的行政人员解释酒店提供的服务和设施,从而获取生意。

Contacts executives of organisations to explain services and facilities offered by hotel and to solicit their business.

§  确保部门的服务一贯按照部门营运手册的标准,高效、一致和礼貌的完成。

Ensures services provided by the department are always available and are always carried out to define Standard with the utmost efficiency, consistency and courtesy as detailed in the Department Operations Manual.

§  协助部门建立完善并且维护部门营运手册,部门营运手册应当反映出酒店政策和程序以及工作过程和标准。确保每年进行回顾,反映出改变。

Assists with the development, maintenance and update of a detailed Department Operations Manual that reflects Policies & Procedures, work processes and standards of performance within the Division. Ensures annual review to accurately reflect any changes.

§  协助准备年度商业计划,确保部门目标充分体现酒店目标并满足员工需要。

Assists with the preparation of the annual Marketing Business Plan, ensuring Divisional Objectives fully address business objectives of the Hotel and needs of associates.

§  与销售部总监密切合作,协助准备和定期更新部门预算,确保达到预算目标并且有效的控制成本。

Assists with the preparation and regular update of the Marketing Departmental Budget in close cooperation with the Director of Sales, ensuring targets are met and costs are effectively controlled.

§  确保电子型和纸张型文件系统随时处于有效准确的管理状态(Opera销售和宴会销售)。

Ensures that an efficient and accurate filing system, both manually as well as electronically is maintained at all times (Opera Sales & Catering Sales).

§  维护所有完整和附属的酒店销售协议书、合同和报价书的归档。

Maintains complete and supported records of all Sales Agreements, Contracts and Quotations for the Hotel.

§  建立有效的档案跟踪系统,确保所有预订完全地被跟踪处理。

Establishes an efficient Trace File to ensure that all business booked is properly tracked.

§  为销售部总监提供每月团队生意报告所需的确切相关信息。

Provides accurate reporting of Group business booked to Director of Sales for monthly consolidation.

§  当销售部总监缺席时,在酒店行政委员会上代表市场销售部,确保市场销售部顺利和有效的运营,并在需要时为其他部门提供服务及支持。

In the absence of the Director of Sales, represents Sales & Marketing Division on the Hotel Leadership Committee, ensures the efficient & smooth operation of the Sales & Marketing Division, providing services and support to other Divisions as required.

§  按要求出席所有会议并作出贡献。

Attends and contributes to all Meetings as required.

§  确保所有员工始终提供礼貌和专业的服务。

Ensures all associates provide courteous and professional service at all times.

§  礼貌而高效的处理客人和员工询问,对不能立即解决的投诉和问题进行汇报。

Handles guest and associate enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found.

§  了解关于员工及行业关系的法律、法规,理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。

Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in associate and industrial relations, understanding and strictly adhering to Rules & Regulations established in the Associate handbook and the Hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety.

§  积极参与员工福利、安全、发展及健康的活动,并给予建议、咨询和真实、恰当的反馈。

Is actively involved in the welfare, safety, development and well-being of associates providing advice, counselling and truthful, diplomatic feedback.

§  确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。

Ensures high standards of personal presentation & grooming.

§  与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。

Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.

§  始终展现负责的管理和行为,并以积极的形象代表酒店管理团队和凯悦酒店集团。

Exercises responsible management and behaviour at all times and positively representing the Hotel Management Team and Hyatt Hotels Corporation.

§  根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。

Responds to requests to undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the Hotel, industry and company.

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  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 中外合营(合资.合作)
杭州柏悦酒店      尘世胜境,人间天堂Reflecting Paradise on Earth  人间有天堂,柏悦伴君赏——杭州柏悦酒店2016年9月28日盛大开业,为八方来客精彩开启酒店体验新境界。酒店隐身于摩天大厦之中,室内一派现代徽派宅院的典雅格调,地理位置优越,凭栏四望,满城锦绣尽收眼底:西湖碧水如镜、波澜不惊,国际化商业区车水马龙、熙来攘往,钱塘江水气象万千、滚滚东流。Opening in the third quarter of 2016, Park Hyatt Hangzhou will lead an exceptional new level of hospitality excellence.  The contemporary Jiangnan style residence in a skyscraper will feature panoramic views of serene West Lake, the area’s new cosmopolitan district and the vigorous Qiantang River. 酒店落户于著名的“万象城”,这个大型都市综合体集时尚、餐饮、娱乐于一体,地处杭州钱江新城,是全市首屈一指的休闲胜地。杭州柏悦酒店则处繁华而独辟清幽之境,居闹市而无车马之喧,以舒适宜人的氛围、体贴周到的服务、丰富多彩的体验款待天下有识之士。Located in the prestigious integrated MixC complex, which offers an abundance of fashion, dining and entertainment in the heart of the city’s central business district, the hotel will be an urban retreat for international connoisseurs, providing intimate experiences customized to meet individual preferences. 杭州柏悦酒店内设248间宽敞雅致的客房,其中包括22间豪华套房,其装潢布置全部出自著名室内设计公司Yabu Pushelberg之手。酒店有七家餐馆和酒吧,设计风格或古朴,或时尚,将传统与现代共冶一炉。顶楼餐厅更如一方世外之境——天窗之下,日可沐缕缕阳光,夜可观点点星辉;天台之上,体验漫步云端的唯美意境,尽享诗情画意的柏悦时光。Park Hyatt Hangzhou features 248 generously sized guestrooms, including 22 luxurious suites, all designed by Yabu Pushelberg.  Nestled in the city’s top destination, Park Hyatt Hangzhou features seven restaurants and bars with traditional and contemporary designs.  A top-floor dining room with roof lights and a sky terrace delivers a Hangzhou hotel experience above the clouds that is sophisticated and artful from every lifestyle perspective.
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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