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Reflecting Paradise on Earth
Opening in the third quarter of 2016, Park Hyatt Hangzhou will lead an exceptional new level of hospitality excellence. The contemporary Jiangnan style residence in a skyscraper will feature panoramic views of serene West Lake, the area’s new cosmopolitan district and the vigorous Qiantang River.
Located in the prestigious integrated MixC complex, which offers an abundance of fashion, dining and entertainment in the heart of the city’s central business district, the hotel will be an urban retreat for international connoisseurs, providing intimate experiences customized to meet individual preferences.
杭州柏悦酒店内设233间宽敞雅致的客房,其中包括14间豪华套房,其装潢布置全部出自著名室内设计公司Yabu Pushelberg之手。酒店有七家餐馆和酒吧,设计风格或古朴,或时尚,将传统与现代共冶一炉。顶楼餐厅更如一方世外之境——天窗之下,日可沐缕缕阳光,夜可观点点星辉;天台之上,体验漫步云端的唯美意境,尽享诗情画意的柏悦时光。
Park Hyatt Hangzhou features 233 generously sized guestrooms, including 14 luxurious suites, all designed by Yabu Pushelberg. Nestled in the city’s top destination, Park Hyatt Hangzhou features seven restaurants and bars with traditional and contemporary designs. A top-floor dining room with roof lights and a sky terrace delivers a Hangzhou hotel experience above the clouds that is sophisticated and artful from every lifestyle perspective.