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ABOUT BARONY HOTELS & RESORTS关于君廷酒店及度假村集团BARONY’s history began in 1927 when Lord Alexander Fox Murray, sold the BARONY Castle to an English Aristocratic Family-Earl of Oxford to be an Hotel, and since then the BARONY Castle is a Luxurious Hotel and Conference Venue. BARONY Hotels & Resorts successfully collaborated with NORTHLAND Hospitality Group in 2013 and raised the development strategy. As the sister company of NORTHLAND Hospitality Group, BARONY Hotels & Resorts globally expanded the business. Now, BARONY Hotels & Resorts is a global organization with eleven hotel brands including SUTTON PLACE Hotels & Resorts, ROYAL BARONY Hotels & Resorts, BARONY BOUTIQUE Hotels & Resorts, GRAND BARONY Hotels & Resorts, SANDMAN SIGNATURE Hotels & Resorts, THE BARONY Hotel, BARONY PARK Hotel, SANDMAN Hotels & Suites, BARONY ETAP Hotel, LE GRANDE RESIDENCE, and FOSSILWOOD Residences.Upholding the strategic mission of ‘THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY’, Barony Park Hotel Qingdao Airport will be committed to terrific lodging experience and sincere service.1927年的亚历山大福克斯穆雷王时期,英国贵族牛津伯爵收购了BARONY城堡,从那时开始,BARONY城堡就成为了高端会议之所和奢华酒店的代名词。2013年,君廷酒店及度假村集团与拥有万国酒店集团的加拿大集团公司万国资产集团成功重组兼并,正式成为姊妹品牌,开始在全球发展品牌。目前,君廷酒店及度假村集团是拥有11个酒店品牌的国际化公司,包括圣顿,君域,珺邸,君廷,圣曼,君瑞,邦臣,达缦,邦臣誉邸,LE GRANDE RESIDENCE和富喜坞。秉承全球思维,区域运作的战略考虑,君廷酒店及度假村集团亚太区机场酒店——青岛国际机场君廷酒店和青岛国际机场邦臣酒店传承初心,应运而生,致力于为商旅客人提供愉悦的住宿体验和真实诚挚的服务。 ABOUT GRAND BARONY & BARONY PARK HOTEL QINGDAO AIRPORT关于青岛国际机场君廷酒店和青岛国际机场邦臣酒店The Grand Barony Hotel and the Barony Park Hotel Qingdao Airport are located in the Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport. Guests can enjoy the exclusive security channel and one-stop check-in service from the hotel to the departure lounge, which takes only 10-minutes. Thanks to the new airport’s reliable and extremely convenient transportation, it only takes 50 minutes to get to Qingdao city center, only 1 hour to Jinan by high-speed rail, and 2 hours and 50 minutes to Beijing.The Grand Barony Hotel and the Barony Park Hotel Qingdao Airport equipped with luxury five-star standard facilities and equipment. All 570 elegant and cozy deluxe rooms and suites offer spectacular views of the international airport, each equipped with sound insulation to ensure that every guest can easily fall asleep. One Chinese restaurant and two western restaurants, two bars, an indoor swimming pool, SPA and fitness center, provide guests with entertainment and a comfortable environment. A 800 square meter pillar-less BARONY ballroom, the conference room’s high-tech business facilities, and professional service team make an ideal place for business meetings and luxurious weddings.As one of the major service functions of the Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport, the Grand Barony Hotel and the Barony Park Hotel are scheduled to open in the first half of 2021.青岛国际机场君廷酒店和青岛国际机场邦臣酒店位于青岛胶东国际机场内,室内通道步行往返机场航站楼仅需10分钟,地理位置十分优越。酒店分别配备了豪华五星及标准四星的设施设备。570间雅致温馨的豪华客房及套房,位于君廷酒店九层的君誉会酒廊和商务中心,可俯瞰机场泊机港飞机起降的壮观景象,并提供专属贵宾礼遇和私密会议室。酒店提供丰富的餐饮选择:配备有三个餐厅,塞纳宫西餐厅、漫垛西餐厅、御粟轩中餐厅;一个大堂吧,博戴咖啡;一个酒吧,肖邦吧。酒店拥有水疗,24小时健身房,室内泳池等娱乐休闲设施。800平米气派非凡的无柱式大宴会厅,专业的服务团队,为您打造完美婚礼。高科技配置的君廷宴会厅、会议室及多功能厅,是您举办各类会议、宴会、鸡尾酒会、茶歇及各种接待活动的不二之选。作为青岛胶东国际机场的主要服务配套功能之一,青岛国际机场君廷酒店和青岛国际机场邦臣酒店已于2021年8月12日盛大启航。[查看详细]