电子商务经理 E - Commerce Manager
发布于 2024-10-22
电子商务经理 E - Commerce Manager
长沙 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 招1人

职位描述 Job description

1. 通过携程,艺龙等在线旅行社,全球分销渠道,官网,在线批发商等战略合作伙伴增加酒店的线上曝光及最大限度的发展产量。

Increase the Hotels online presence and production via strategic partnerships, e.g., OTA, GDS, Website, and Wholesale etc.

2. 为酒店通过第三方网站列表和合作伙伴进行回顾及推荐。跟进线上曝光及市场营销计划。

Assist hotels in the review and recommendation of potential 3rd-party web listings and partnerships.  Follow up on listings, exposure, marketing initiatives.

3. 开展所有的在线的餐饮渠道包括美团点评、Enjoy等线上餐饮渠道,全面提升酒店餐饮形象提高产量。

Develop all food & Beverage channel, Meituan-Dianping, Enjoy etc. Drive the production and do advertisements.

4. 酒店官网的所有维护,包括内容和促销包价及实时更新。

All maintenance of the Hotel web site, including content and promotion package updates.

5. 监控、报告网站流量,并采取措施增加访问量。

Monitor and report web traffic of the site, and take steps to increase

6. 拓展酒店客房,餐饮,宴会等所有酒店产品的电子营销的机会。

Increase hotel rooms and F&B, banqueting, Spa, all of hotel products on e-marketing opportunities.

7. 保持更新酒店电子客户的信息资料库(客房/餐饮及水疗),并提供更有效的客户信息管理方案。

Keep updated Hotel e-customer database, (For rooms/F&B and Spa), and propose solutions for a better customer information management.

8. 积极参与行业内的各个领域的事件, 贸易展览以及各类社交活动以提升酒店品牌的知名度。

Actively participate in market segment industry affairs associations, trade show and events to elevate brand profiles.

9. 与品牌团队沟通,执行每个品牌的的渠道活动, 并确认每个渠道的需求。

Communicate with the brand team to achieve effective channel activities for each brand and identify needs of each channel.

10. 建立目标并通过优化电子平台的信息内容来提升网站的访问率,转化率以及每个订单的均价。

Establish goals and deliver measurable increases in visits, conversion, and average order value through optimization of content for Digital Platforms.

11. 管理,执行并维持品牌在所有网站或是社交网站的形象, 建立,实施并维护酒店在官网以及所有第三方网站的信息。

Responsible for managing, executing and sustaining the brand in all web and social environments as well as creating, implementing and maintaining web pages on our websites and all social sites.

12. Measure production; generate statistics and justifications on regular basis.

评估产量, 生成数据并进行日常调整。

任职要求 Qualification

1. 至少三年大专学历,擅长英文口语和书写。

Minimum 3 years’ college education, good at English both speaking and writing.

2. 电子商务管理至少两年的相关工作经验。

Minimum 2 years progressive work-related experience in E-Commerce management.

3. 较强的人际交往和交流能力;积极进取;首创精神;自信;与商业和行业客户建立良好的关系。

Strong interpersonal and communication skills; aggressive; initiative; self-confident; established relationship with commercial and industry customers.

目前共有 位求职者投递了该职位,你的简历匹配度为 你的综合竞争力排名为第
湖南省长沙市芙蓉区解放西路188号国金中心1号塔楼 Tower 1, Changsha IFS 188 Jiefang West Road, Furong District Changsha, Hunan 410005 China
对这个职位感兴趣? 最佳东方APP扫一扫 直接和HR聊一聊吧~
  • 酒店业--国际高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 外商独资.外企办事处
长沙尼依格罗酒店雄踞长沙城市中心繁华核心地段,耸立于452米高的长沙国际金融中心之巅,这座兼具潮流娱乐风尚与高端商务办公的地标之所。 酒店坐拥第86层至92层的精致客房和套房,共241间,均配备完备先进的现代化设施。时尚的餐饮社交空间和雅致的会议活动空间为您带来无与伦比的奢华体验,包括茵园礼堂、尼依格罗宴会厅、悦廊、天际酒吧-吧93、欣厨、健身中心、游泳池和水疗中心。置身酒店仿若屹立云端,不仅可俯瞰旖丽壮阔的城市全景,还可领略风光无限的湘江美景。 长沙尼依格罗酒店是引领潮流风尚的都市先锋,也是缔造奢华体验的行业旗舰。它在追求时尚的现代化都市中脱颖而出,成为行业领袖与时尚翘楚洽谈商务合作、旅游休闲、购物与特色餐饮的首选之地。以得天独厚的地标优势和壮阔迷人的天际景观,邀您共赴一场云端浪漫之约。 长沙尼依格罗酒店开业四年以来,已荣获 TTG中国旅游大奖之“中国中南及西南地区最佳酒店”、高球热选大奖之“热选奢华酒店”、新旅行年度高端酒店评选之“年度精选奢华酒店”、 Hotel探索之旅酒店大赏之“优选奢华酒店”等40多个重大奖项。 我们正在招聘热忱积极,工作经验丰富,致力于服务豪华酒店的员工。我们诚邀您加入我们的酒店团队,在这个新的地标性酒店,与我们一起为客人打造「完美邂逅,华丽永恒」。 Newly opened luxury sky hotel, Niccolo Changsha, crowns the top floors of Changsha IFS, where the 452 metre towering city icon is comprised of contemporary chic hotel Niccolo, corporate offices, residences and luxury retail. Located in Hunan capital’s premier address in Furong District entertainment and business hub, the hotel offers 241 contemporary chic rooms and spectacular suites between the 86th and 92nd floors of Changsha IFS Tower One. Situated in a vibrant part of the city, the hotel facilities include sophisticated function and meeting spaces offering scenic views of the city and the Xiang River below. Elaborate conference and social event venues including The Conservatory, a luxurious 788 m² Ballroom, the sophisticated Tea Lounge, sky high BAR 93, all-day-dining Niccolo Kitchen, wellness center, swimming pool and The Spa at Niccolo, will stylish venues ready to welcome all guests. Niccolo Changsha has already become recognized as the epicentre for the city’s glitterati and A-list events not only for the central location but also for the dramatic skyline views. The hotel enables a destination experience for captains of industry and leaders in style to embrace corporate and leisure travel, retail and signature dining experiences in a refined, urban environment. Niccolo Changsha has won more than 40 awards since its grand opening in October of 2018, such as "TTG China Travel Awards Best Hotel in Central South and Southwest China”, "Golfers' Choice Awards Choice New Hotel”, "Best Hotel & Resort Value Award Voyage Best Luxury Hotel”, "Hotel Discovery Awards Best Luxury Hotel” etc.Niccolo Changsha invite enthusiastic and experienced associates with luxury hotel background to apply for the opportunity to join us in delivering NEW ENCOUNTERS – TIMELESS PLEASURES to guests at Changsha's newest icon.
湖南省长沙市芙蓉区解放西路188号国金中心1号塔楼 Tower 1, Changsha IFS 188 Jiefang West Road, Furong District Changsha, Hunan 410005 China