发布于 09-03
哈尔滨 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 招1人


培训管理职责Training Administration:


Under the general guidance andsupervision of the Director of General Manager, the Training Manager willassist in planning, controlling, co-coordinating and participating hotel stafftraining.


Identifies hotel training needs


Make annual training programs


Design the overall trainingschedule for the entire year, stating the date, time, duration, venue(internal, external, overseas), targeted audience, objective and topics to becovered


Establishes standard policiesand procedures for training, and review regularly.

完成培训预算, 预算各项确认方案所需费用。

Complete training budget,estimate the cost involved for each program identified.


Liaises with external resourcespersonnel


Oversee staff hotel trainingand effective staff management.


Make and update externaltraining plan, promote the implementation of the outsourcing training anddevelopment


Maintains staff trainingrecords, policies and procedures and other training matters. 

Conduct Training Needs.Analysis management and supervise staff to identify and determine trainingneeds.


Review Employee PerformanceDevelopment Review forms


Establish succession plan andtraining the manager according to actual needs.


Trace to implement talentdevelopment program, eg: cooperator trainee.


Responsible AOLUGUYA culturalambassador certification.

品质提升管理职责Quality ImprovementAdministration:


As Quality Representative of the hotel,to maintain the integrity of the Quality Standards and ensure achievement ofstated quality objectives and policies.



To create quality awareness andcommunicate quality requirements, policies and procedures to all process ownerswithin the hotel.



To ensure conformance to statedobjectives, standards, policies and procedures.



To facilitate timely corrective actionplanning, implementation, and eventual elimination of root causes.



To supervise the maintenance ofDepartmental Operating Procedures.


Ensure that all potential and realHazards are reported immediately and rectified.


Spot check hotel properties, servicequality, standard operation procedure, issue the report and trace relevantdepartment to solve the problems.


岗位要求   Job requirements




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  • 酒店业--国内高端酒店/5星级
  • 100-499人
  • 私营.民营企业
  敖麓谷雅AOLUGUYA是中国首家森林文化主题酒店,是全球最著名的酒店设计顾问公司HBA充满激情的巅峰之作,品牌理念和设计灵感来源于鄂温克族最遥远最神秘的支系--中国最后的狩猎部落“敖鲁古雅”,敖鲁古雅人隐居在广袤的白桦林中,守护着大兴安岭和贝尔茨河平原的翡翠海。敖麓谷雅AOLUGUYA倡导“大隐隐于市“的品牌理念,在都市中打造原始圣地,为奔波在外的宾客提供一个安全温暖的居所,这里是心灵的净土,这里是回归的故乡。AOLUGUYA is the sole forest culture themed hotel in China. AOLUGUYA is the pinnacle of the global famous hotel design company HBA. The brand concept and design inspiration were rooted in the most remote and mysterious branch of Ewenki—AOLUGUYA, which is the last hunting tribe in China. Aoluguya people lived in the vast birch forest in solitude, guarding the emerald sea of Great Khingan and Baelz River plain. AOLUGUYA initiate the living idea—”Hermit in the city”. Create original shrine in the city, providing a safe and warm shelter for guests that heavy with the fatigue of travel, here is the pure land of soul, here is a returned homeland. 敖麓谷雅AOLUGUYA酒店楼高216米, 层高43层,酒店是哈尔滨市乃至黑龙江省标志性建筑之一,是集住宿、餐饮、商务、大型婚宴、会议、宴会、休闲于一体的城市度假酒店,酒店外部景观运用大兴安岭元素,以山—林—鹿为主线设计,力求营造一种人与自然和谐相处的回归生活,与酒店返璞归真的内部装饰融为一体,着力打造一所充满原生态气息的城市度假酒店。AOLUGUYA is 216m in height, with 43-storey layer,hotel is one of the landmark buildings in Harbin and even in Heilongjiang province, which integrates accommodation, catering, business, large weddings, conferences, banquets, and leisure. Exterior landscape adopts to the Great Khingan elements. Designed with the main line of mountain - forest – deer, and strive to create a harmony returned life between man and nature, blending with hotel natural interior decoration, and strive to create an city resort full of the original ecology atmosphere. 空中大堂约安里别具一格的装饰,源于自然的材料,诠释着质朴的奢华和精致的魅力。在追梦途中,在回归路上,在敖麓谷雅AOLUGUYA的空中大堂,您将尽享香浓咖啡与醇厚红酒带来的美妙与惬意,在哈尔滨市最高的凌空大堂,您可以办理入住及退房手续。Sky Lobby Serene Lodge Unique decoration, materials derived from nature, rustic interpretation of luxury and exquisite charm. On the way of chasing after dream, on the way home, in the sky lobby of AOLUGUYA, you will enjoy the niceness and joyce with the mellow coffee and red wine. Here at the highest sky lobby in Harbin, you can handle check-in and check-out procedure. 酒店客房以鄂温克人独有的居所—撮罗子命名,几根桦木搭成架,桦皮为顶也为墙。敖鲁古雅人诗意的栖居,敖麓谷雅AOLUGUYA为您带来都市中的诗情画意,让您的每一个夜晚都沐浴着如水的星辉入梦,每一个清晨都拥抱着白桦林间的朝霞醒来。酒店拥有独特设计风格的客房354间,全景式落地窗一览无余北国风光,每一次入住都为您展开一幅全新的画卷。Ø  房间平均面积60平方米以上,宽敞明亮,是哈尔滨酒店中房间面积之最;Ø  房间内设有独立的开放式卫浴及双人特大浴缸,让您拥有自然舒适又不失现代的体验感;Ø  全球知名的美国“舒达”妙扣弹簧床垫,安全舒适,还您一个深度睡眠;Ø  取自天然花卉精华的欧舒丹浴品散发着自然的芬芳。Hotel rooms named after unique residence of Ewenki– hunter hut, several birches form the frame, the bark being ceiling and wall. Ewenki dwell so poetically, AOLUGUYA bring you the poetic beauty in city. Every night falling asleep bathed in the water like starlight, every morning awake embracing the rosy dawn amongst the birch. The hotel has 328roomswith unique design style, panoramic windows take the scenery of Harbin in a glance, making your every stay a brand new feeling.Ø  The average area of room is above 60 square meters, bright and spacious, which is the largest in Harbin.Ø  Room equipped with an open observation deck and unique twin size large bathtub, providing you a natural, comfortable modern sense of the experience.Ø  The world-renowned "Serta "bedding, safe and comfortable, providing you a deep sleep.Ø  L'Occitane bath products deriving from natural flower essence exudes a natural fragrance. 全日制餐厅交克坦克拉•朝霞这里是百合盛开的地方,这里是朝霞挥洒的山麓,360度为您呈现北纬44度的万种风情。哈尔滨最高的全日制餐厅位于酒店43F,为您提供丰富多样的营养美食慰藉您的味蕾,也有个性化零点菜单,为您送上家一般的温暖关怀。All Day Dining Restaurant Lush Lilies Rosy Dawn Here is the place that lilies blossom, here is the piedmont that rosy dawn sprinkle, presenting you ten thousand kinds of amorous feelings at 44 degrees north latitude. The highest all day dining restaurant of Harbin locates on the 43rd floor. Here not only provides rich variety of nutrition food, but also offered personalized a la carte menu, delivering you warmth and caring of home. 特色扒房乌布格玛•火焰位于酒店43层,以敖鲁古雅最勇敢、最慷慨的猎人乌布格玛命名。溢彩流香的原生态西餐,为您镌刻舌尖记忆。Distinctive Steak House Ubugema · Blaze located on the 43rd floor of hotel, named after the most brave and generous hunter of AOLUGUYA. Original ecology Western-style foods suffuse an exquisite fragrance, engraving elaborately the tip of tongue memories for you. 中餐厅库鲁里库鲁里,鄂温克语:“长满山果、越桔和李子的地方”,采自大自然的原始风味,为您烹制比北纬50度更美的佳肴。Chinese Restaurant Gourmet Jungle, meaning the place of numerous mountain fruit, blueberries, plums in Ewenki, based on nature original flavor, we cook more delicious dishes than that of further north than latitude 50 degrees. 宴会厅敖鲁古雅•瑟宾森林中温暖的篝火化为旋转的华灯,1000平方米的宽敞大厅,挑高6.5米的无柱式空间设计,无论是小型的私人聚餐,还是贵宾云集的盛大酒会或晚宴,亦或是欢乐祥和的婚宴,这里都能满足您的需求。另有8间可自由分隔的多功能厅供您选择。一层独立的宴会厅入口及挑高13米宽敞的专属独立大堂,先进的设施配上专的服务,敖麓谷雅 AOLUGUYA将成为您宴会会议的不二选择。Ballroom AOLUGUYA· Serbin, the warm bonfire in the forest turns to the rotating luxurious droplights, the 6.5 meters high and 1000 square meters spacious pillarless ballroom, no matter private dinner or grand banquet and evening party gathered with distinguished guests, even joyful wedding banquet, AOLUGUYA is your best choice. In addition, we provide 8 multi-function rooms which can be separated freely. There’s an independent ballroom entrance and 13 meters high spacious lobby on the first Floor. The advanced facilities coupled with professional service; there is no better choice than AOLUGUYA for your banquet and meetings 行政酒廊阿埃秀卡在美丽而开阔的阿埃秀卡行政酒廊,可以凌空俯瞰令人陶醉的松花江美景,入住撮罗子•卧云及以上级别宾客可尊享多重专属礼遇:免费提供的专属会议室、免费提供的下午茶、免费提供的欢乐时光。Executive Lounge Capacious Beauty: In the beautiful and Capacious Executive Lounge, you can overlook the fascinating view of Songhua River. If checking in executive room Hunter Hut · Woyun and above room type, guests can enjoy multiple exclusive treatment: free exclusive meeting rooms、free afternoon tea、free happy times. 咖啡吧瓦卡利其位于酒店一层及二层,在这长满山果、红豆的瓦卡利其,您可以品味到来自世界各国的纯正咖啡,精心烹煮的咖啡香气弥漫每一个角落,让每一位宾客流连忘返,回归本真。Coffee Bar Ormosia located on the first and second Floor. In the place full of wild fruit and ormosia in Ewenki language, you can taste the pure coffee from all around the world, the perfume of carefully cooked coffee suffuses every corner, making every guest linger, returning to the nature. 高品质SPA根河•湿地带您亲近涓涓细流,遵循古老的自然养生法则,基于生命能量本原,带来全新的水疗体验;以鄂温克族周边河流命名的10间私密房间,每个房间均采用高效隔音材料和超静音处理。静谧的空间,让您的梦也伴着溪水,流入美丽的根河。High quality Genhe · Wetland SPA, follow the ancient rules of natural health, based on the origin of life energy, bringing you a brand new spa experience;10 private rooms named by Ewenki's surrounding rivers. Each room is adopted with efficient sound insulation materials and ultra-silent treatment. The quiet space, make your dreams flow into beautiful wetland accompanying with the streams. 游泳池拥有阳光休息大厅的游泳池邀您尽享畅游的乐趣,碧波荡漾中把思绪交给云朵,将身心归于自然;男、女浴区分别设有桑拿室及宽敞舒适的恒温按摩浴池,是锻炼身体和放松身心的最佳场所。Swimming Pool: The swimming pool with sun lounge invite you to enjoy the fun of swimming, in the rippling water, delivering your thoughts to the clouds, making your body and mind return to the nature; Male and female bath area both have sauna room and spacious comfortable heated Jacuzzi. It is the best place to do exercise and relax yourself. 健身房240平方米的健身房坐拥都市美景,视野开阔,景色怡人; 瑜伽室沐浴在明媚的阳光中,伴随着安抚身心的森林之音,让您尽享惬意时刻。Fitness Center is more than 240 square meters spacious area, with expand vision and pleasant scenery; Yoga Room bathed in sunny accompanied by soothing forest music and making you enjoy pleasant moments. 自由之旅 诚挚的邀请您成为“我的部落”忠诚卡会员,在您入住酒店期间,为您免费提供车辆使用。回归路上,载着旷野的长风,追梦途中,陪你放牧自由的童心。Freedom Journey: Sincerely invite you to join our "my tribe" loyalty card members, during you stay in the hotel, we provide free vehicle for you to use. On the way home, the car carrying a wilderness of wind, on the way to chase your dreams, accompany you to graze your free childishness. 机场接待大堂 敖麓谷雅AOLUGUYA在哈尔滨太平国际机场设立了接待大堂,为您卸下仆仆风尘,在这里,您可以办理入住、退房及会员免费车辆使用手续,开启冰城夏都第一站的快捷行程。Airport reception lobby: AOLUGUYA set a reception lobby in Harbin Taiping international airport, discharging the hardships of travel for you, here, you can handle check-in, check-out and member free vehicle use formalities, open the first station of your express trip in ice city. 敖麓谷雅AOLUGUYA酒店位于松北区科技创新城核心区,创新三路800号,是哈尔滨旅游文化中心,得天独厚的地理位置,让您足不出户即可眺望松花江迷人的风光,俯瞰哈尔滨独有的雪花公园,纵览最大室内滑雪场,让您尽情领略哈尔滨的无限风情,以及敖麓谷雅AOLUGUYA的自然与温馨,神秘与精致。AOLUGUYA located in the core area of Technological Innovation City in Songbei District,No.800 Innovation Road3, where is the center of business, technology, tourism in Harbin. The geography can be described as abound in gifts of nature. Hereby you can stay at home overlook the charming Songhua River, and the particular Snowflake Garden, overview the largest indoor ski slope, allowing you to enjoy the infinite charm of Harbin , and the nature , warmth, mystery and delicacy of AOLUGUYA. 交通位置:酒店地处交通枢纽,出行便捷,距离哈尔滨太平国际机场35公里,车程仅需30分钟,距离哈尔滨火车站15公里,哈尔滨西站18公里,车程约20多分钟。酒店提供机场及火车站接送服务,您可以根据需求提前预定车辆。Transportation:The hotel locates in a transportation hub, endowed with convenient transportation, the hotel is about 35km from Harbin Taiping International Airport, drive no more than 30 minutes, 15km from Harbin Railway Station, 18km to Harbin West Railway Station, about 20 minutes drive. Hotel provides airport and railway station pick-up service. You can book vehicle in advance according to different demands. 旅游景点:敖麓谷雅AOLUGUYA地理位置得天独厚,距离著名景点冰雪大世界、太阳岛雪博会、太阳岛公园、哈尔滨国际啤酒节举办地、东北虎林园、极地馆、科技馆、市政府、枫叶小镇奥特莱斯风情园、仅需10余分钟车程,万达文化旅游城信步即可到达,金河湾湿地公园近在咫尺,缅怀呼兰河文化的萧红故居及关东古巷亦只需短暂车程。此外酒店为宾客免费提供到达冰雪大世界(冬季)、中央大街、圣•索菲亚教堂等哈尔滨市著名景点的穿梭巴士。Attractions:The location of AOLUGUYA is richly endowed by nature. The distance from hotel to the world of ice and snow, the sun island, snow exposition, Harbin International Beer Festival, Siberian Tiger Park, Polar Museum, Science Museum, City Hall, and Maple Leaf town Outlets Style Park just about10 minutes’ drive; Wanda cultural tourism city can be reached within walking distance, the Gold River Wetland Park in close proximity, cherish the Hulan River cultural memory of Xiao Hong’s former residence and the Kanto Ancient Alley also just a short drive away. In addition hotel also freely offers shuttle service to Ice and snow world (winter) ,Central Avenue, Sofia Church and other famous scenic spots. 
  • 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
  • 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
  • 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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