1. 管理客房服务员的工作来确保所有客房和走廊达到最高标准的清洁度和整洁度的维护,达到客人的满意度。并且监督住客房的打扫,已退房按照下一位客人抵达时间完成清扫。
Supervise the work of room attendants to ensure all guest rooms and corridors are maintained to the highest standard of cleanliness and tidiness to ensure guest satisfaction and oversee that occupied rooms are serviced and that check out rooms are serviced based on the arrival time of the next guest.
2. 检查住客房和未使用房并采取改进措施来满足诺金酒店的清洁,维护和物品的标准。同时检查客房部设备在使用时得到了适当的维护。Inspect occupied and non-occupied guest rooms and take corrective measures in order to meet NUO standards in terms of cleanliness, maintenance and supplies. Also check that housekeeping equipments are given proper care and maintenance whilst being used.
3. 执行在职训练,负责各自楼层服务员的外貌和行为标准。激励员工实现卓越的绩效。每年参加员工绩效的评价。
Carry out on the job training and be responsible for grooming and conduct standards of the room attendants on their assigned floors. Motivate staff to bring about excellent performance. Participate in the evaluation of staff performance once year.
4. 保持更新各部门家具的运转和清洁表记录。
Keep updated records of furniture movement and cleaning schedules of their section.
5. 在下班前,报告并交接需要特别关注的客人,异常状况及需要跟进的事情以保证服务的一致性和客人的满意度。
At the end of shift, do a handover reporting special attention guests, room status discrepancy, unusual situations, incidents that need follow up, to ensure consistency and guest satisfaction.
6. 核实工作间所应配备有所有客房需要的物品并熟练的控制节省支出。
Verify that pantries are equipped with all the necessary items needed in servicing guestrooms, and proper control is practiced to save expenses.
7. 核实工作间所应配备有所有客房需要的物品并熟练的控制节省支出。
Verify that pantries are equipped with all the necessary items needed in servicing guestrooms, and proper control is practiced to save expenses.
Commanding a prestigious address on Chang’an Avenue, Beijing Hotel NUO is one of China’s most historic luxury accommodations, standing proud through a century of boundless change. From the grand French facade to its broad marble staircase, polished 1920s dance floor and period-styled rooms and suites, Beijing Hotel NUO is a unique treat for guests with a passion for old-world sophistication. Sophisticated dining is a hallmark of the NUO brand. From East 33 to Writers Bar, our culinary team using carefully sourced ingredients and brings years of fine dining craft and inspiration to each dish. Beijing Hotel NUO also offers a uniquely historic setting for executive board meetings, product launches, gala dinners and weddings. Hotel prides itself on flawless planning, tailored service and creative catering to deliver memorable events that exceed expectations. 北京饭店诺金位于中国首都-北京的市中心,是中国历史最悠久的奢华酒店之一,毗邻昔日皇宫紫禁城,漫步五分钟即可抵达天安门、人民大会堂、国家大剧院,与繁华的王府井商业街仅咫尺之遥。 1917年酒店正式营业,以当时领先的电梯、独立卫浴设施、电话以及私密贴心的服务,令全国瞩目。当年的“作家酒吧”,曾为剧作家萧伯纳,诗人泰戈尔,学者郭沫若先生注入无数创作灵感。孙中山先生,蒙哥马利元帅等对中国及世界历史进程产生影响的先驱也曾下榻于此。建国初期,毛泽东,周恩来,朱德等国家领导人也曾在此宴请、接见外宾。酒店拥有九间传承套房,均以曾下榻的中外历史人物命名,房间至今仍保留着当年的陈设。 从高雅的法式外墙到宽敞的大理石楼梯,从上世纪20年代保留至今依旧光可鉴人的舞池到风格各异的客房和套房,北京饭店诺金不断吸引着那些钟爱古典精致美感的客人。 北京饭店诺金致力于打造地道风味佳肴。东33餐厅及作家酒吧的厨师团队将久经锤炼的烹饪工艺和创意灵感完美结合,为您精心奉上每一道菜品。 北京饭店诺金还为举办董事会会议、产品发布、庆典晚宴及婚礼提供了独具一格的会议场地。诺金以量身定制的会议服务和创意的餐饮佳肴为傲,为客人提供超出预期的难忘体验。