COVA为LVMH集团旗下奢华餐饮品牌。早在1817年,拿破仑的将领Antonio Cova在米兰邻成立了COVA,吸引了当时许多上流贵族、文人雅士聚集,在浓浓咖啡香气里,讨论戏剧文学,享受细腻奢华的糕点、咖啡;从那时开始,就成了最具人气的名人驻足地。经历史洗礼的COVA PASTICCERIA - CONFETTERIA,出品的各式甜品、巧克力等,仍然坚持依照祖传秘方制作,口味出众,赫赫有名的蛋糕、咖啡让人再三回味,一直备受中外名人所追捧。走过近二百年光阴岁月,COVA继传承意大利最优质的经典滋美与高雅生活品味,为顾客提供真正米兰贵族的味觉享受。
Since opened in 1817 in MILAN Italy, "Cova" has always represented the ideal Cafè and Pasticceria for musicians, philosophers, artists, aristocrats, professionals and sophisticated people. The constant attention to details and the creation of an innovative patisserie based on traditional recipes created an unquestionable signature of quality and luxury. Nowadays "Cova" means high class, cool people, international jet set, and cosmopolitan mood with a very traditional and sumptuous atmosphere.
In 2013, "Cova" joined the LVMH Group. The new "Cova" generation are leading the brand towards the new era of international development and worldwide scenery.