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酒店一期分为主体楼及元首楼,在设计上集合了“一带一路”沿线中各国文化元素,旨在为上合组织成员国为主的国家之间的教育和文化交流提供良好的国际交流平台。其中1400平方米酒店大堂,挑高17米,集天空之城、飘零冰雪、索契友谊树为重要表现载体,诠释别具匠心的异域风情文化。酒店设各类海景房147间/套,3个大型多功能宴会厅,10多间大小型会议室,西海岸全日制西餐厅,金月湾吧及2个大型户外屋顶园林海景平台, 8个集上合组织各成员国文化主题打造的高标准接待厅可作为会务及高端用餐使用。坐拥海岛西海岸,是面朝大海的心旷,是春暖花开的神怡。
Located on the beautiful west coast of Hainan Province, Jerome Sochi Hotel is the first five-star comprehensive hotel in Dongfang City and an important part of the Russian Cultural Tourism Complex Project of “latitude 18°·eastern Sochi” (2014) Listed by the Ministry of Culture as a national key cultural industry project).
The first phase of the hotel is divided into the main building and the heads of the state building. The design incorporates the cultural elements of the countries along the “Belt and Road” to provide good international exchanges for educational and cultural exchanges between the countries of the SCO member countries. . Among them, the 1400㎡ lobby, with a height of 17 meters, is a city of sky, drifting ice and snow, and Sochi friendship tree as an important performance carrier, interpreting a unique and exotic culture. The hotel has 147 rooms/sets of sea view, 3 large-scale multi-functional ballrooms, more than 10 large and small meeting rooms, West Coast full-time western restaurant, Jinyuewan Bar and 2 large outdoor roof garden sea view platforms, 8 sets. The high-standard reception halls created by the cultural themes of the SCO member states can be used for conference and high-end dining. Sitting on the west coast of the island, it is the heart of the sea, and it is the warmth of spring blossoms.