Job Summary (工作摘要)
To be responsible for the management of receivables for guests, travel agents, credit card companies, inter-hotel, owners, associates and others. Management includes but not limited to verifications of the sources of transactions, supporting documents, sending out debit notes or reminders as necessary, collections, postings and aging analyses.
Main Duties(主要职责)
1. To verify all accounts receivable transferred from Front Desk, restaurant/lounges and other sources to Back-of-house are fully supported and valid transactions.
2. To ensure the properly handling of charges made to credit cards and to be familiar with the rules and regulations pertaining to the use of these cards, as well as procedures for billing etc. and credit policies.
3. To batch credit card vouchers, reconcile with city ledger accounts and submit to bank for auto-credit.
4. To ensure credit card charge-back or commission are dealt with in accordance with the merchant agreement signed.
5. To ensure the credit facilities are granted only to those accounts approved by Director of Finance and the General Manager.
6. To carry out any other duties and responsibilities as assigned.
雄踞杭州市中心的双塔楼----杭州JW万豪酒店及杭州武林万怡酒店地处杭州市中心,俯瞰历史悠久的京杭大运河,紧临武林广场商圈及西湖文化广场,距西湖之美仅咫尺之遥。从酒店前往著名的灵隐寺、雷峰塔、西溪湿地等景区 都非常便捷。入住杭州JW万豪酒店,即可在三五公里范围内游玩小河直街,中国扇博物馆、中国剪刀博物馆、杭州工艺美术馆、手工艺活态展示馆以及杭州青少年文化创意中心。 酒店拥有305间客房,3个不同风味的餐厅及1个大堂酒廊,为您提供难忘的餐饮体验;酒店配备占地1695平米的会务场所以及健身房、泳池、行政酒廊。 酒店设计结合了“西湖十景”元素。住客可在入住期间探索“柳浪闻莺”的柳叶灯饰, “花港观鱼”的西餐厅设计、“曲院风荷”的休闲意境以及“三潭印月”的泳池设计。作为万豪国际酒店集团的奢华品牌成员,酒店致力于打造“JW 非凡款待”理念,为宾客提供个性化的JW温馨服务。