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Founded in 1931 by Professor Niehans, a pioneer in longevity, Clinique La Prairie has over the years established an international reputation as a world-renowned medical clinic and wellness destination, located in Switzerland.
Clinique La Prairie in partnership with Sunjoy Group, to open a new health resort,“Clinique La Prairie Anji Health Resort” in China, to continues its international expansion. The new Health Resort in Anji, which is the fourth Clinique La Prairie overseas destination, followingsuccessful openings of Longevity hubs in Madrid, Bangkok and soon Doha.The new Clinique La Prairie Health Resort will be situated around 180km from Shanghai West in a secluded haven of peaceful waters and stunning mountains, with views that roll out across a serene lake, reminiscent of the Lake Geneva’s setting of Montreux. The surrounding hills are home to tea farms, growing the famous Anji White Tea, making this the ideal location for guests to find peace and serenity.
The exclusive resort offers 7 villas housing 29 rooms and suites, built around a core building housing the Medical Pillar, the Wellness Pillar, the Movement Pillar, as well as the Nutrition Pillar with master class lounges and the restaurant. Employing sustainable materials and renewable energy sources, the new destination will meet high standards in ecosystem protection, health contemporary luxury design. The state-of-the-art designs are of vitality, embodying the spirit of innovation of Clinique La Prairie and offering a seamless transition from the beautiful natural surroundings to the sophisticated interior.
Clinique La Prairie Anji Health Resort is targeted to open by the end of 2023. We are seeking an organized, independent self-starter, goal-oriented person with a clear business focus. Join us, you are joining a dynamic and modern team where the organization is flat, and the communication is fluid.
起源于瑞士,在历史悠久的休养胜地蒙特勒,由长寿领域的先驱 Niehans 教授创立。Clinique La Prairie (“瑞珀妮”)自1931年成立以来,一直作为世界闻名的医疗诊所和健康目的地而享誉国际。瑞珀妮将与盛基集团(Sunjoy Group) 合作,将享负盛名的顶尖抗衰机构落地到中国安吉:瑞珀妮(安吉)抗衰理疗院。这是继马德里、曼谷和多哈之后,瑞珀妮的第四个海外项目。