- 服务热线:400-826-0101 (9:00-18:00)
- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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上海宝博西餐厅有限公司和蓝蛙餐饮管理(上海)有限公司是外商独资BLUE HORIZON HOSPITALITY GROUP旗下的两家餐饮企业,在上海西式餐饮业中有着很高的知名度和声誉。是一个在餐饮业内生气勃勃,富有创造力的佼佼者和领先者。公司目前处于快速成长期,除上海的8家餐厅酒吧以外,在北京有2家分店,澳门有1家分店。伴随着2011年的到来,蓝蛙对未来做出新的展望,将在国内开设更多的分店,计划在5年内将分店增添至30家。实施这一宏伟计划,需要更多业内资深人士和新鲜血液的加盟,共同建设我们的事业。我们关注我们的员工,我们的产品,我们的客户及我们一起合作的团队。如果你有志在餐饮业内发展,我们真心期待你的加入。
Blue Horizon Hospitality Group, a leading Shanghai-based F&B group with multiple brands and locations throughout the city,is seeking for mature and experienced talents to join us for expansion in China and across Asia.
Blue Horizon Hospitality Group has over ten years operational experience in China and has gained a strong reputation for providing the market with “classic” western fare within a hip, relax, and inviting atmosphere.
Blue Frog bars and restaurants place an emphasis on high quality food at reasonable prices with friendly service-popular with both international and domestic customers alike.
We offer exciting growth opportunities for experienced and passionate leaders.