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Introduction to Hotel Éclat Beijing 北京怡亨精品酒店介绍
Hotel Éclat Beijing, nestled in the apex of the building, is the newest offering of Parkview’s experience of creating luxury hotel with hotels in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, the French Riviera and China. Hotel Éclat Beijing is located in the heart of the vibrant Chinese Capital of Beijing, Hotel Éclat is proud to be a member of the exclusive Small Luxury Hotels of the World. Multi-award-winning Hotel Éclat Beijing re-defines the upscale boutique hotel experience, pairing the art of contemporary luxury with the luxury of contemporary art.
位于Parkview Green芳草地顶层的精品酒店 – 北京怡亨精品酒店,整合了侨福集团在中国大陆、台湾、香港、新加坡及法国蔚蓝海岸等地多年的奢华酒店运营管理经验。北京怡亨酒店矗立于北京CBD的中心区域,是全球奢华精品酒店(Small Luxury Hotels of the World™)成员之一。地处屡获殊荣的芳草地内,北京怡亨酒店将当代奢华和现代艺术紧密地融为一体,重新诠释都市高端精品酒店的极宿体验。
Consists of 100 keys, these individually designed rooms & suites, offer a full pampering choice of amenities to match different tastes. 20 Pool suites will have their own private jetted swim spas, terraced gardens, each room in the hotel is equipped with the “Éclat Essentials” to make every stay special.
George’s Restaurant presents a creative and classical global menu revolving around local ingredients with exquisite touches that introduces an authentic yet distinctive palette accompanied with its wide range of wines including selections from private Chateaus. George’s bar is a chic and stylish venue offering specially handcrafted cocktails while featuring admirable art masterpieces in your surroundings.
The 700 square-meter Éclat Presidential Suite is set to become “the” address in Beijing, for private functions, exclusive product launches, or simply a fantastic ultra-luxurious experience, as guests will be pampered by the Hotel’s personal butlers, exquisite private dining experience and more… In fact, as a landmark in CBD, Hotel Éclat Beijing is interpreting the concept of an extraordinary small luxury hotel.
面积高达到700平米的怡亨总统套房可视为在北京的标志性场所,作为私人聚会、专属产品发布或是单纯享受极致的奢华, 因为这里提供私人管家服务、优雅的私属用餐体验,而且还有更多…… 事实上,做为中央商务区中的地标性建筑北京怡亨酒店真正诠释了一个非同寻常的精品酒店的概念。
Parkview Green Fang Cao Di 侨福芳草地项目介绍
Parkview Green Fang Cao Di, the latest investment in China for Chyau Fwu Groups costs more than ¥20 billion. It is a pioneer project which advocates saving energy and offering healthy working environment.
侨福芳草地是集团在中国的最新投资项目, 这是一个耗资20多亿人民币,旨在提倡节能并提供健康工作空间的先驱工程。The building comprises four inter-connected blocks that sits within a transparent envelope, which acts as a protective cover to control the micro-climate of the project. Using sustainable systems, the building fully exploits the temperate climate during spring and autumn and uses cutting edge technology to control the extreme seasons with minimal energy consumption and environmental impact.
项目由四栋高低错落的建筑和其上用于保护并控制建筑内部小气候的透明环保罩组成。由于环保罩的运用, 楼宇内部空间独立的小气候环境在保证了整体建筑恒温恒湿的同时, 巧妙降低了建筑自身的能源消耗, 提高了能源的最大化利用, 从而充分彰显出侨福芳草地的节能环保特点。