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北京瑞吉酒店(原北京国际俱乐部饭店)(The St. RegisBeijing)是中国豪华五星酒店的完美典范,是全球著名的万豪酒店管理集团之奢华品牌—St. Regis在亚洲的第一家饭店,无与伦比的热情待客和优质服务传承已久。饭店坐落于建国门外大街的使馆区中心,距天安门广场、故宫和秀水街仅数街之隔,是各国政要名流、商贾巨富及全球500强公司高层商务人士的会晤之所。
使命 - 北京瑞吉酒店提供超越期望的服务,成为世界顶级奢华酒店的典范!
愿景 - 我们 – 在北京瑞吉酒店 – 将以热情、自信、自豪的态度,传承百年品牌经典特色,秉承最佳奢华服务理念,欢迎每一位尊贵的客人!
The St. Regis Beijing, the internationally branded luxury hotelof Marriott, offers 258 luxuriously appointed guestrooms and suites, with eachguest experiencing the iconic St. Regis Butler Service - an unparalleledround-the-clock personal attention which also caters to the most prestigiousevents by offering the finest facilities, worldly equipment and custom-tailoredguest experience. The hotel offers the luxury accommodations, fine dining, anda luxurious urban sanctuary at The St. Regis Spa & Club.
Mission - The St. Regis Beijing to be counted amongst the leading luxury hotels in the world exceeding the expectations of all !
Vision - We - at The St. Regis Beijing - are passionate,confident and proud; carry on our legacy to deliver the best in luxury toall our esteemed guests !