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The Westin Guangzhou 广州海航威斯汀酒店
For a better you!
The best luxury hotel in China, awarded by Southern MetropolisDaily
The best business hotel, awarded by Travel & Leisure
The Top 10 Business Hotels of China by China Hotel Starlight Award
Best Business Hotels by Travel & Leisure
MARRIOTT 关于万豪国际集团Marriott International Hotels is the most global high-end hotel company in theworld with nearly 6,000 properties reaching across 120 countries through ninedistinct lifestyle brands, backed by 675,000 associates at our owned andmanaged properties. Marriott is a fully integrated owner, operator and franchisor of hotels, resorts and residences with the following internationally celebrated brands: Marriott, JW Marriott, Ritz Carlton, Regis®, The Luxury Collection®, W Hotels®, Westin®, LeMéridien®, Sheraton®, Four Points by Sheraton®, and the recently launched Aloft® and Element ® etc. Associates play a key role in providing rewarding experiences to our most loyal guests; and, in turn, enjoy a rewarding professional experience of their own.
世界五百强之一的万豪国际酒店集团是酒店业中广受认可且最受欢迎的品牌,作为一家真正的全球性企业,我们在 120 多个国家/地区经营着超过 7,000 家酒店,并在自己拥有和管理的酒店雇有超过675,000名员工,因此我们为组织的多元化而倍感自豪。旗下拥有品牌:万豪、JW万豪、丽思卡顿、瑞吉、豪华精选、W酒店、威斯汀、艾美、喜来登、福朋、雅乐轩,还有源宿,在全球各地,我们通过卓越非凡的酒店及度假村组合为客人提供无与伦比的精彩体验,同时也为员工提供良好的工作机会。
Westin 威斯汀品牌
Westin is managed by Marriott International Hotel Group, one of theleading hotels and leisure companies in the world, Set to become this area‘sultra modern hotel. Westin hotels is the world`s most exciting cities.威斯汀品牌作为万豪旗下的高端酒店品牌,锁定的市场是高阶的消费族群,世界各地的威斯汀都是被当地机关评选为超五星级的酒店,可见威斯汀在世界范围内的知名度和受欢迎度。威斯汀对于酒店地点的选择偏好集中在城市中的中心商业区。
The Westin Guangzhou 广州海航威斯汀酒店A world-class hotel in one of China's growingcities, The Westin Guangzhou is professionally staffed and prepared to help youenjoy your stay in Guangzhou to the fullest. The Westin Guangzhou is located inthe heart of the Tianhe District, the burgeoning central business district of Guangzhou. Adjacent to the hotel is Citic Plaza, the tallest concrete buildingin the world. The Westin Guangzhou consists of new train station serving thebusy Guangzhou-Shenzhen and Guangzhou-Hong Kong railways, a metro station, andthe Tianhe Sports Center, host of the Asian Games 2010.Wonderful retailshopping and dining, as well as parks, museums, and sightseeing attractions,are only a short walk—or subway or taxi ride—away. The convenient locationmakes this upscale Guangzhou hotel an ideal meeting point, and a renewing destination in which to rest, shop, exercise, and be at your best.
广州海航威斯汀地处中国最蓬勃发展的城市-广州,是一家世界一流的高档豪华酒店,也是万豪集团高端酒店店品牌之一。酒店坐落于广州市中央商务区天河区的中心地带,地理位置极为优越。酒店毗邻广州中轴线地标中信广场,以及一座频发至深圳及香港的新火车站和贯穿全市的地铁站,还有曾主办2010 亚运会的天河体育中心,片刻即可抵达繁华的购物中心和餐饮场所,以及公园、博物馆和众多旅游景点。得天独厚的地理位置使高档豪华的广州海航威斯汀酒店成为了一处极为理想的会议地点,同时也是您放松身心、购物、健身及恢复活力的完美目的地。
Benefit 福利待遇
Guangzhou 广州市 | 广州是中国最早的对外贸易窗口和南大门,也是与国际交流合作最活跃的城市,有助于拓展国际视野;广州也是粤港澳&珠三角都市圈的核心城市,经济发达、居住环境舒适、常年温暖、空气洁净、交通便利;发展在北上广对未来职业提供具竞争力的履历! |
Westin Guangzhou 广州威斯汀 | 万豪酒店集团高端酒店品牌之一,位于广州商务中心核心位置,被誉为世界一流的高档豪华酒店;多项指数排名均名列酒店业前茅;能享受到完善的运作和专业知识,能让你充分成长和提升! |
Salary 薪酬 | 提供同等国际五星级比较,具有竞争力的薪酬待遇;每年对表现优秀的员工进行工资提升,每年进行忠诚奖的工资提升;丰厚的年终奖金;为正式员工购买五险一金等! |
Holiday 假期福利 | 每周40小时工作制,按劳动法享有国家法定假期;根据职级每年享有7~15天带薪年假! |
Uniform 衣 | 免费提供全身制服,并有制服房提供免费清洗!宿舍还配备全自动洗衣机、烘干机,方便清洁日常衣服! |
Meal 食 | 员工餐厅免费提供丰富的膳食,正餐提供丰富膳食,免费供应橙汁、冰红茶、奶茶和牛奶;还有定期美食推广;以自助餐形式! |
Hostel 住 | 免费提供市中心的公寓住宿,位于酒店附近,配备独立卫生间、空调和淋浴设施;并提供洗衣机、烘干机和床上用品;附近生活设施配套便利,交通方便! |
Shuttle Bus 行 | 早班和晚班酒店提供免费巴士接送! |
Explore 员工探索价 | 员工探索价携带家人入住全球(含中国)姐妹酒店可享受超低优惠;并且享受餐饮折扣! |
Training 培训体系 | 享受万豪强大的培训系统:基础培训(新员工入职培训、岗位技能培训、外语培训、部门交叉培训、服务标准培训);中层培训(补救培训、改进系统培训、品牌培训和主管课程); |
Career Development 发展机会 | 提供丰富的就业和提升机会,姐妹酒店之间的交叉培训,酒店内部轮岗和优先内部晋升;并有集团职业关爱项目,让你坐上职业发展培养快车;未来也可帮助集团内部调动,推荐到全国多家姐妹酒店继续发展! |
Other 其他福利 | 定期举办各项活动(如外出旅游、户外活动、技能比赛、运动俱乐部和生日派对);免费提供体检及健康证办理;年终晚会大抽奖;每月评选3名表现良好的明星,提供证书及奖金! |
Our Core Belief 我们的用人理念
We design every Westin hotel to bring out thebest in our associates and our guests. Through intuitive care and signatureservices, our associates are partners in our guests’ well-being ensuring theyleave feeling better than when they arrived. But, we can’t live up to ourpromise for our guests if we don’t live it ourselves. That’s why we offerexceptional benefits, training and career development to help our associatespursue their own personal well-being. Westin Guangzhou welcomes the best andbrightest to enjoy rewarding careers.
A career at Westin Guangzhou is like noother. If you are ready to support a better way to experience the world and bechallenged to deliver your best, we are the company for you.