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- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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The first five-star hotel in Chifeng, Wanda Realm Chifeng welcomes you tothe jewel of Inner Mongolia with exquisite rooms, superb dining, world-classfacilities and the warm hospitality for which Wanda Realm is renowned. Whetheryou are visiting for business or leisure, Wanda Realm Chifeng is proudly atyour service to ensure you enjoy the perfect stay.
Each of the 350 guestrooms and suites at Wanda Realm Chifeng is designedfor your comfort and pleasure. Elegant and stylish, every room features oursignature “Bedof Realm” and “Dream Catcher” for a wonderful night’s rest. Therainforest shower, separate bathtub and chic amenities in your luxuriousbathroom are also sure to delight. A number of rooms offer panoramic riverviews.
酒店餐厅将为您呈现多款精致佳肴美食。“美食汇”主打异域风情; “和”日餐厅則提供正宗日本料理; “品珍”中餐厅以粤菜 、鲁菜及内蒙本地菜见长; 大堂酒廊环境优雅,是悠享饮品与小食的理想去处。另有全天“24小时精选”客房送餐服务,让您足不出户尽享饕餮美食。
Treat yourself to exquisite cuisine in the hotel’srestaurants. For irresistible international and Japanese cuisine, don’t miss Café Realm and HE JapaneseRestaurant. For sublime Cantonese, Shandong and Inner Mongolian dishes, look nofurther than ZHEN Chinese Restaurant. The Lobby Lounge is also the perfectchoice for snacks and beverages. Our signature “24hrsSelections” in-room dining is also available at alltimes.
Home to the city’s finest venues and facilities, Wanda Realm Chifeng setsa new standard of excellence for events of all sizes. Our selection offully-equipped meeting rooms includes the majestic 1,200m2 pillar-free GrandBallroom, which features a ceiling height of 10 metres, and a spectacular73m2? LED screen. All venues enjoy complimentaryhigh-speed Internet access and the latest audio-visual and multimediatechnology. We also offer a one-stop “Exclusive MeetingDirector” service.
The hotel’s elegant banquet venues are complemented by a team ofchefs who have rich expertise in a broad range of culinary styles. Whatever theoccasion, these talented chefs are at your service to create a banquet thatbears testament to your achievements and success. For a wedding celebrationwithout equal, our one-stop “Wanda Romance WeddingCeremony” service is all you need for a trulyworld-class celebration.
Whether you’ve had a long day of sightseeing or business meetings,the first-class leisure facilities at Wanda Realm Chifeng are sure to sootheaway your stress. The hotel’s opulent facilitiesinclude an indoor heated swimming pool, fully-equipped gym, yoga room and hairsalon.
始终如一 温情倍至 Consistently providing hospitality from ourhearts
万达酒店及度假村秉承中华礼仪之道,超越至善期望,创造尊崇体验,立志成为国际领先的中国豪华酒店管理集团,为四方宾朋提供“始终如一 温情倍至”的服务。
Drawing on a long heritage of excellence and headquartered in China’scelebrated capital city of Beijing, Wanda Hotels and Resorts is a highlyrespected operator of luxury hotels. We are dedicated to becoming aninternationally renowned hotel group, always offering our guests hospitalitythat comes straight from our hearts.