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- 杭州总部:0571-88866108 (9:00-18:00)
- 服务邮箱:service@veryeast.com
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Howard Johnson International is a hotel management company,managing over 500 hotels in 21 countries world-wide. In 1990, Howard Johnson was acquired by Wyndham world-wide, one of the largest hospitality company in the world. Howard Johnson(China) has set up head quarter in Shanghai in 1999.
Howard Johnson Huachen Plaza Changsha is invested by Hunan Xinsheng Industrial Co., Ltd. There are 755 guest rooms in two twin towers of AB. both CR and ADD restaurant, BAQ , specialty food street, Hong Kong-style Aimu restaurant,swimming pool, Healthy Center with Spa and many more recreational facilities.
长沙华晨豪生大酒店是湖南鑫盛实业有限公司投资兴建的全球连锁国际品牌酒店, AB两栋双子楼共有客房755间客房。更有风格迥异的中、西餐厅,豪华宴会厅、特色美食街火宫殿、港式艾慕餐厅以及室内恒温泳池、SPA中心等完善的设施设备。
We warmly welcome you to come forward, and your career will set sail from Howard Johnson!
- 周一到周五下午为酒店公开招聘日
- 时间:9:00-16:30
- 电话:0731-88098010
- 邮箱:hr.plazachangsha@hojochina.com
- 地址:长沙市雨花区万家丽中路二段8号长沙华晨世纪广场写字楼7F人力资源部
- 应聘者请携带1张一寸照片、身份证原件、学历证明及相关技能资格证