(About The QUBE Jingzhou)
If life is a circle, The QUBE Hotel, Jingzhou is a fantastic site in the middle of curvilinear journey.
Fashionable and exquisite room, personalized food service and outstanding meeting space, leading you a forgettable trip.
酒店地处荆楚古城北部新区,地理位置绝佳, 距荆州火车站百米之遥,绿地商业综合体近在咫尺,驱车前往保存完好的荆州古城墙仅需 5 分钟,距离高速路口10分钟车程,前往宜昌三峡机场亦仅需80分钟。
Located in the Jingzhou Northern New Area, with excellent location, hotel is hundreds pace from the railway station, adjacent to the Greenland business center, only 5 minutes to the well preserved Jingzhou ancient city wall, 10 minutes’ drive from the high speed intersection and 80 minutes from Yichang Sanxia Airport.
(About The QUBE Hotels)
“Life is a wonderful journey” If travelling is regarded as drawing a cycle, The QUBE hotel could be the most splendid part.
The QUBE hotel aims to provide diversity of recreation and work life balance environment for young business traveler where they can enjoy a fun and comfortable journey. From Frankfurt to Shanghai and Xuzhou to Nanchang, Jinzhou, The QUBE hotels can be found in big urban centers, by the airport, near the high-speed rail and in the suburbs.
Tel电话:(+86)0716 6016666
Hotel address: Jingzhou Railway Station Square, Jingzhou District, Jingzhou City, Hubei province, P.R China.