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武汉光谷蔚景温德姆酒店由武汉铭都京冠酒店管理有限公司携手美国温德姆酒店集团共同打造,为武汉首家“蔚景温德姆” 品 牌酒店。温德姆酒店集团是全球规模最大、业务最多元化的企业之一,总部设于美国新泽⻄州,全球共拥有25 个品牌,覆盖约95个国家和地区,经营超过9,200+家酒店,拥有893,000+间客房,112+百万会员。集团致力于向宾客提供亲切宜人、舒 适惬意的入住环境及特色美⻝, 秉承“ 总以温情相待” 的宗旨与理念并提供个性化及高效服务,使宾客在任何时候都有宾至如归的感觉。
The Wingate by Wyndham Wuhan Optics Valley Hotel is jointly built by Wuhan Ming Du Jin Guan Hotel Management Co., Ltd,and Wyndham Hotel Group of the United States. It's the first "Wyndham by Wingate" brand in Wuhan. The Wyndham Hotel Group is one of the biggest and most diversified company worldwide. The Headquarteres is in New Jersey of the United States. It has 25 brands, covering about 95 countries and regions, operating more than 9,200+ hotels, with 893,000+ rooms, 112 million+ members worldwide. The group is committed to provide guests with pleasant and comfortable environment and delicious food, which is adhering to the concept of "always hospitality" and providing personalized and efficient service to make a home away from home.酒店拥有各类精致客房222间,由杰出设计师精心打造,设施配套齐全。酒店客房风格时尚简约,配备电动智能窗帘,LED补光化妆镜等智能设施设备。酒店蔚景客房及套房配有戴森吹风机,法国欧珑洗护套装。您可在清新、优雅的静音客房体验美妙视觉盛宴,轻松酣然入眠。
The hotel has 222 chic and elegant rooms, with complete facilities, which crafted by outstanding designers.The guest room equipped with intelligent facilities such as electric intelligent curtains,LED makeup mirrors and so on. The hotel provide Dyson hair dryers and French Atelier Cologne toiletries for the wingate rooms and suites. Taste a wonderful visual feast in the elegant and quiet room, that make you a profound sleep.餐厅以湘鄂菜系为特色,提供色味俱佳的中西式自助及零点服务。您可在格调幽雅,处处洋溢浪漫风情的全景落地式餐厅,尽享一场饕餮盛宴。位于酒店大堂一楼的大堂吧是客人休闲小聚和商务精英社交洽谈的理想之地,提供精选茗茶,体验现磨咖啡,快捷美味的速食,精美下午茶以及现场调制鸡尾酒及精选葡萄酒、饮料等。
The features of hotel restaurant is Hubei and Hunan cuisine, as well as Chinese and Western buffet, a la carte service with excellent taste. You can enjoy a gluttonous feast in the romantic panorama sunshine restaurant.
Guest ideally place for to gather leisure and business elite social negotiation.provides selected tea, experience freshly ground coffee, fast and delicious food, exquisite afternoon tea,site cocktails, selected wines and beverages.酒店宴会厅及会议室总面积超400平方米,层高4米。无柱大宴会厅可容纳200-300人宴会或会议,配备先进的视听音响,高速宽带网络和高清LED屏幕。多功能灵动宴会空间为您的会议提供更多选择。
The total area of the hotel's banquet halls and meeting rooms is over 400 square meters. It’s with height of 4 meters. The grand ballroom can accommodate for 200-300 persons for meetings or banquet, which equipped with advanced audio-visual sound, high-speed broadband network and high- definition LED screen. The multi-functional and flexible banquet space can provides more choices for your activity.酒店配备24小时自助洗衣房。洗衣、烘干、熨烫衣物等需求,均可高效满足,使商务人士随时保持最佳状态。 The hotel is equipped with 24- hour self-service laundry room. Wet cleaning, drying and ironing can be done efficiently, that can keep business man in top shape at all times.
酒店健身及娱乐设施一应俱全,使您在舟车劳顿及闲暇之余,享受无微不至的呵护。足不出户便能享受各类休闲娱乐项目,使您全身心放松,活力充沛。 The hotel has a complete range of fitness and entertainment facilities, that make you enjoy meticulous care and vitality, you should enjoy various leisure services at all times.