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Howard Johnson International is a hotel group with about 80 years of illustrious history. There are more than 500 hotels distributed throughout 34 countries within the current system. Howard Johnson International (China) currently has signed full management contracts with 116 deluxe Plaza & Resorts properties in strategic locations throughout China.The Howard Johnson Tropical Garden Plaza Kunming is located in the Chenggong New City District. A 30-minute drive will bring you to Kunming city center and to the prestigious shopping, business and entertainment areas of Kunming. Public transportation links are also available, with both the Kunming highway and light rail train just in front of the hotel.This is a real five star hotel, with a total of 309 guestrooms, 3 restaurants and bar, banquet and conference facilities, sauna, beauty saloon, KTV, tea house, supermarket, fitness center,etc.In Howard Johnson Tropical Garden Plaza Kunming, we will not only offer competitive training program and worldwide career opportunity. We invite highly motivated and energetic personnel for the following positions.豪生国际酒店集团至今已有八十年的历史,是一家拥有世界多家酒店连锁酒店网的酒店管理集团公司,逾500家酒店遍及全球34个国家。自1999年豪生国际酒店集团进入中国,已在全国极具战略意义的主要城市共签订了116家豪华酒店的全权委托管理合同。昆明南亚风情园豪生大酒店位于呈贡新区。酒店交通便利,三十分钟车程便可到达市区以及昆明购物和商业娱乐中心。同时,酒店门口设有轻轨站和公交车站。酒店拥有各类型房间309套,3个风格迵异的餐厅,酒吧,会议设施设备,桑拿,美容美发,茶室,超市,健身中心等。我们不仅提供富有竞争力的薪资福利待遇,设备齐全的员工宿舍及班车,更有国际化的专业培训及全球性的职业发展机会,昆明南亚风情园豪生大酒店诚邀您的加入。