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" Talent, meet Respect." It's our pleasure. The Ritz-Carlton is an equal
opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce.北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店,地理位置得天独厚,坐落于西城区金融街太平桥与金城坊东街交汇处,与城市地标及众多文化古迹如故宫仅举步之遥。酒店拥有253间配置卓越的客房,环境优雅舒适,高科技便利设施应有尽有,是商旅及休闲度假者的理想选择。
The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, FinancialStreet offering 253 well-appointed guest rooms, comforting amenities and wealthof high-tech conveniences, the hotel is an ideal choice for both business andleisure travelers. The strategic location at the intersection of TaipingqiaoStreet and Jinchengfangdong will afford guests easy access to busy Chang’anAvenue.
我们的绅士淑女是对客服务承诺中最重要的资源。通过实施信任、诚实、尊重、正直和承诺的原则,我们培养并充分发挥员工的天分以达到个人和企业的互利。Ritz-Carlton 致力于创造一个尊重差异化、提高生活质量、实现个人抱负、巩固Ritz-Carlton成功秘诀的工作环境。
At The Ritz-Carlton, our Ladies and Gentlemen are the most important resource in our service commitment to our guests. By applying the principles of trust, honesty, respect, integrity and commitment, we nurture and maximize talent to the benefit of each individual and the company. The Ritz-Carlton fosters a work environment where diversity is valued, quality of life is enhanced, individual aspirations are fulfilled, and The Ritz-Carlton mystique is strengthened.
北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店 地下二层人力资源部(金融街购物中心东侧)