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凯宾斯基饭店是欧洲最古老的豪华酒店管理集团之一,于1897年建立了第一家饭店。集团创建于柏林,其管理的饭店遍及欧洲、中东、非洲、南美洲和亚洲的中心城市,如北京、柏林、布达佩斯、布宜诺斯艾利斯、伊斯坦布尔、伦敦和圣莫里茨。历史悠久的凯宾斯基集团汇聚了众多奢华的饭店及度假村,从历史悠久的典雅风格至简约时尚的现代典范各不相同。 大连市市中心的国际性豪华饭店——大连凯宾斯基饭店于2005年10月9日隆重开业。大连凯宾斯基饭店拥有两座建筑:25层的贵宾楼和31层的园景楼。饭店座落于大连市“青泥洼桥”商圈,与秀丽的劳动公园隔街相对。距大连火车站仅5分钟车程,乘车至大连周水子国际机场仅20分钟。饭店总经理说:“大连作为东北的门户,是外商投资的首选地之一。大连凯宾斯基饭店正在为这座日益繁荣的城市提供最优秀的5星级饭店设施、独具特色的餐饮和经典的服务。饭店拥有400间精心设计的客房和套房,所有客房配备有平面液晶电视等设施并可尽享劳动公园园景或城市美景。饭店的餐饮设施分布于地下1层至地上5层,包括柏林咖啡西餐厅、龙苑中餐厅、普拉那啤酒坊、大堂酒廊和凯宾美食廊等餐饮设施以及总面积超过1,000平方米的豪华典雅的会议宴会设施。更有4500平方米的阿拉伯风格的欧意希斯水疗中心,为客人提供放松身心的休闲感受。大连凯宾斯基饭店将令每一位下榻的客人享受身心愉悦的入住体验,成为中外商务客人和旅游客人的首选。
Kempinski Hotels is one of the oldest luxury hotel collection in Europe, acquiring its first property in 1897. While the Group was founded in Germany, its portfolio is now spread throughout Europe, Middle East, Africa, South America and Asia with properties in locations such as Beijing, Berlin, Budapest, Buenos Aires, Istanbul, London and St Moritz. Rich in tradition, it comprises a fine collection of sumptuous hotels and resorts, from the truly historic to the breathtakingly avant-garde. The Kempinski Hotel Dalian opens its door on October 9, 2005. It comprises a 25-storey Grand Wing and a 31-storey Park Wing. The Hotel is situated in a prime location close to the commercial and shopping centre, opposite the Labour Park, the largest park in the city. It is only a 5 minutes drive from the Dalian Railway Station and a 20 minutes drive from the Dalian International Airport. General Manager of the Kempinski Hotel Dalian stated, "Dalian is the gateway to the Northeast and the attractive location for international investors." We are providing the best 5 star facilities, interesting food and beverage options and impeccable service in this progressive city.’ The Kempinski Hotel Dalian has 400 well-appointed rooms and suites. All rooms have a view of the beautiful Park or the city. All restaurants are located from the basement to the 5th floor. They are Cafe Berlin Restaurant, Dragon Palace Chinese Restaurant,Paulaner Brauhaus, Lobby Lounge, Kempi Deli, and a total of over 1,000 square meters of meeting and banquet space. The Arabic style SPA offers over 4,500 square meters of space for relaxation and rejuvenation. The Kempinski Hotel Dalian looks set to become a preferred choice for distinguished business and leisure visitors from all over the world. www.kempinski.com/dalian