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自然与艺术交汇的北京宝格丽酒店坐落于京城核心位置使馆区的启皓北京社区,如繁华都市中的一方静谧绿洲,若隐若现于亮马河畔精心雕琢的园林之中。与之毗邻的,是由安藤忠雄先生设计打造的启皓艺术基金会。北京宝格丽酒店的当代设计皆由意大利建筑事务所Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel 倾力打造,酒店拥有 119间客房及套房,其中包括一间 380 平方米的宝格丽套房。宾客亦可以在酒店享用 1500 平方米宝格丽水疗中心、25 米室内恒温泳池、专属私人花园、宝格丽宴会厅、Il Bar 及首家与米其林星级名厨 Niko Romito 合作的 IlRistorante,必将成为意式甜美生活与个性化贴身服务的全新典范。
The Bulgari Hotel Beijing is conceived as the ultimate Urban Resort: it rises within the new Genesis complex, an oasis of tranquility that balances art and nature with sculpted gardens that extend along the Liangma River and include the Genesis Art Foundation, designed by Tadao Ando. Designed with the contemporary style of the Italian architectural firm Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel, the hotel will feature 119 rooms and suites, including a 380-sqm Bulgari Suite.The hotel will offer the first Il Ristorante presenting the new collaboration with Michelin-starred Italian chef Niko Romito, Il Bar, a private park, a 1500-square-metre BVLGARI SPA, a 25-meter pool and a BVLGARI ballroom, establishing a new benchmark for enlightened luxury living and personalized services.
宝格丽酒店及度假村旨在成为全球瞩目的奢华酒店集 群。宝格丽酒店及度假村由国际主要大都市和豪华度假 村度假目的地的几处精选房产组成,其目标是传达宝格 丽品牌鼓舞人心之处,不惧岁月流逝的魅力及其出众罗 马珠宝商留下的遗产。
Bulgari Hotels & Resorts aims to be the leading luxury hospitality collection in the world. Comprised of a few, selected properties in major cosmopolitan cities and luxury resorts destinations, its aim is to convey the excitement of the Bulgari brand, its timeless glamour and its heritage of magnificent Roman jeweller.
每处房产都坐落在城市奢华的地段,或是度假目的地著 名的地区,以具有一些使其真正与众不同的独特物质特 征为特点。每处房产都强烈反映当地文化,但在设计中 仍要体现当代意大利的奢华感,并通过稀有奢华的材料、 特色设计家具以及定制细节得到丰富。创新性的豪华服 务概念让顾客的体验精致有加,服务不拘礼节但又无可 挑剔。
Each property is located in the most prime luxury neighbourhood in the city, or most prestigious area of the resort destination, and features some unique physical characteristics that make it truly remarkable. Each shall make a strong reference to the local culture, yet be designed with an Italian contemporary luxury feel, enriched by rare and lavish materials, featuring design furniture and custom built details. The guest’ s experience is made flawless by an innovative luxury service concept, informal yet impeccable.
Bulgari Hotels & Resorts is committed to sustainable luxury, respecting the surrounding environment as well as human resources.